Ch. 22- Taken by One Direction

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I don't know what's going to go down in this chapter quite yet, but I feel like One Direction needs to be one of the chapter titles.

All the guys stayed the night last night and we ended up staying up for who knows how long. Ashton and Luke ended up disappearing for a bit to go and talk about the date, which left Michael in my room with me, discussing what outfit I should wear and him going through my closet. It was a bit weird honestly, but it didn't really bother me that much. Michael ended up picking out three outfits, one casual, one dressy, and one sort of slutty for me, which was an absolute nope.

When we all awoke, laying in the same situation we had been in the first night we all stayed together, we were all disturbed from our sleep.

"Guys! Wake up! I have some great news to tell all of you!" Calum says, basically jumping on my bed and waking all four of us up.

"What is it, Calum? How the hell did you get in here anyways?" I ask, sitting up in my bed and rubbing my eyes.

"Your mom let me in. This is super important." He says, a spark in his brown eyes.

"Just say it." Michael says, lifting himself up from my side and also rubbing his eyes.

"Damn you all are cranky. We are a hit on youtube! Louis from One Direction even tweeted us and followed all of us! Look!" He skrieks, showing us that Louis Tomlinson was following him, and the tweet about 5sos being a talented band was retweeted under Calum's tweets. He had also gained about 100k followers.

"Congratulations. Now stop being a prick and love your new fans. Now leave me alone because I've got a date to get ready for." I swat at him, kicking him out of my room.

"What do you mean you have a date to get ready for?" He asks, hurt written all over his face.

"Ashton and I are going to go on a date today. Now please get out of here because I'm still a bit uncomfotable around you, Calum. I'm sorry." I say, feeling a bit bad from the look on his face.

He just shook his head and walked out of the room. I heard him go down the stairs and slam the front door.

"Ashton, what do I need to wear?" I ask, hoping he said something casual.

"What you normally wear. I'd rather see you be yourself, than try to be someone you aren't." Ashton says, finally sitting up on my bed and rubbing his eyes.

"Ok. Are you going to be heading home now?" I ask, hoping that they said no, just because I really enjoyed having them all around.

"Yeah, we've got to set up you and Ashton's date." Michael says, hopping off of my bed and dragging both Ashton and Luke by their wrists out of my room, down the stairs and out of the house.

I shook my head and headed off to the shower. I haven't been on a date since Freshman year, so this is going to be a bit weird. Oh god, I haven't had a boyfriend since Freshman year. I shivered at thinking of my ex from Freshman year. Worst mistake of my life.

What shall I do with my hair? It won't curl, but I could always try. Ashton said he would rather me be myself, though. I guess I'll just straighten it as always.

My shower was quite refreshing, but I was beginning to get a bit nervous now. Mom walked into the bathroom as I was just getting dressed.

"You're going on a date, yet you are still wearing a band shirt. You don't even like Black Veil Brides anymore." She says, sighing and shaking her head at me.

"Ashton told me to dress like I normally do. It's not like it's a serious date or anything. I still don't know what my feelings are about Ashton, yet." I sigh at her.

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