Ch. 29- The Promise by Emma Blackery

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After hanging out with the Johnson's for a bit longer and enjoying cock blocking Calum from Emma, the boys and I made our ways back home to prepare for school the next morning. The Johnson's had made us dinner and told us to have a great rest of the week. Emma wouldn't be coming to the school until next week, but she seemed to actually be excited about going because of the five of us. She was really nice and listened to a lot of the same music that we all listened to, including Pierce the Veil. Altogether she seemed like a really cool girl and I liked her.

"Good night, guys." I say, waving at them all and walking over towards my house, which was currently still empty because neither of my parents were home.

They all except Ashton said night back and headed back into their house. Ashton followed me over instead with a smile on his tanned face.

"Is it alright if I come over again?" He asks as we both made our way to the porch.

"Of course, Ash. Go get into something more comfortable though. Maybe shower, too. I don't want a sweaty, smelly man in my bed." I say, smiling at him and winking.

"I'll be over soon." He says, leaning down and kissing me on the cheek and dashing over to his house.

I smiled and touched my hand to my cheek, feeling my face begin to heat up from the sweet gesture. I'm so glad I decided that I had still wanted to go on a date with him. Oh my gosh! We were supposed to go on our date today. We were just so busy with helping the Johnson's move into their new home that it obviously slipped both of our minds. As I walked into the house, I decided that I also needed to shower so I walked up to the bathroom and began to bathe myself. The shower was nice and relaxing and most certainly got me much more prepared for bed than what I had been. I got out of the shower, dryed myself off a bit and wrapped the towel around my waist and walked straight into my bedroom and shrieked.

"I'm sorry! I finished my shower about ten mintues ago, so I walked over here and just let myself in. My eyes are covered!" Ashton yells, placing my blanket on top of his head.

"Don't peak, or I'm never going to trust you again." I say, leaning down and quickly picking out a pair of underwear and a bra. I felt like I was being watched, so when I turned around and saw that Ashton had taken his head out of the blanket, I shrieked out at him and threw a night shirt at him.

"I'm sorry, I had to do it!" He said, raising his hands up in defense.

"You could have been a gentleman and not have looked. Just for that you're sleeping on the floor tonight." I state, quickly pulling an old band t over my head and placing a pair of red sweatpants over my bum.

"If it makes you feel any better, I still liked what I saw." He says was a cheesy grin on his face.

"Jesus, I love you." I mutter, then cover my mouth in shock at what I had just said. Ashton had a shit eating grin on his face and he looked like he had just won a million dollars.

"I love you too, Ella." He says, with a genuine look in his eyes.

"You're too good for me Ashton." I say shaking my head at him, smiling the biggest smile that only Ashton could bring to my face.

"No, you're too good for me. Hell, the only one out of all four of us that's good enough for you is Luke. He'll treat you like a princess. Maybe Mikey too." He says, looking down at the ground and picking at his fingers.

"Ashton, no matter if we move on from each other or get married, you will always treat me or the other girl that you move onto like a princess." I say, walking over to him, sitting down on my bed and placing my head on his neck.

"I'm sorry for peaking." He says, with a sheepish grin written on his face.

"I'm still mad at you, but I guess it's alright. You can sleep on the bed with me. You are a good cuddle buddy anyways." I say, smiling up at the curly haired boy with those hazel eyes that I was beginning to fall for.

"I forgot all about our date today. I'm also sorry for that." He mumbles, kissing the top of my head.

"It's fine, Ashton. I really liked helping out Emma and her family, and she's really nice. I like her." I say, leaning up and kissing Ashton on the cheek.

He gently grabs my chin and leads my lips up to his mouth, kissing me quickly, then kissing down my jawline to my neck. He lightly sucked on my neck, causing me to let out a low moan and him to smirk. He continued to suck on that spot, most certainly leaving a mark, but at that current moment I did not care because I was enjoying the way that Ashton was making me feel. He pushed my shirt slightly over to the side to expose new skin, causing me to moan even louded than what I had before. He stopped his movements for a second to pull my shirt over my head and look at my now exposed torso. I felt embarrassed, so I crossed my arms over my chest, even though my breasts were covered by the fabric of my bra.

"Ella, don't cover yourself up. I think you're beautiful." He says, a look of sadness crossing over his face from me hiding myself from him.

"Not that I wasn't enjoying that one bit, but I feel that we are moving a bit too fast." I say, biting my lip and grabbing my shirt up and putting it over my head quickly to hide my body from him.

"I'm sorry." Ashton says, leaning over and kissing me on top of my head again. Worry was now all over his face, and he looked to be a bit uncomfortable. That may or not be because he currently had a boner or just because I had told him no.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I feel that I'm not ready for that. It's not that I'm not ready, it's just I'm scared. I don't want to give myself up and regret it the next morning." I say, feeling a bit disappointed in myself because now Ashton had an erection, and I couldn't even do anything to help him with it because I was even too afraid to give a blowjob.

"Ella, never be sorry for not being ready or scared. I understand. I was in your position at some point, too." He says, laying down beside me and smiling at me.

"You were?" I ask, a look of shock making its way to my face.

"Of course. We all are at some point. Even Calum was in the same situation. I would never ever pressure you into having sex with me or any form of sexual contact without you being comfortable with it." He says, a sincere and happy look written on his face.

"So, even though you are clearly in incredible discomfort because you have boner, you still wouldn't try to get me to help you." I simply state.

"Of course not. You have a bathroom and I have a hand for that." He states with an extremely serious look on his face.

"Go wank yourself and get ready for bed. I'm tired." I say, shaking my head at him.

He instantly got up and walked over to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him. He came back ten minutes later with a very relieved look on his face. I pat the spot beside me and lifted the covers up, inviting him to come cuddle with me. He quickly joined me with a smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around my waist and cuddled his head into my neck. I could feel a smile on his face which made me smile. I quickly began to fall asleep but not before I heard Ashton's final words of the night.

"I really do think I love you, Ella."

I really want an Ashton in my life. Like damn I love this so much. I've never managed to actually give myself feels in a story before but this one just messes with me!!! To anyone that thinks that Emma is going to be a bad guy, she isn't. Well in a way she may be, but she's really not. I can't explain it since I'm still not sure what's going to go on in the future yet. Thank you all so much for sticking with this story! I'll see you again on the next update! As usual, sorry for any grammar mistakes. Once I finally finish this story, which I feel isn't going to be anytime soon, I'll go back and majorly edit the heck out of this story!

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