Chapter 34 - Just Friends

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Nick's words left me dumbfounded. I am a chatterbox by nature, and so when you find me dumbfounded, there is every chance that I am in a state of shock for what you have done.

Sam's phone slipped from his hand, shock registered on his face. Dylan was looking at us with his jaw dropped.

A small chuckle escaped Ash's mouth but quickly died at Nick's dark look.

Ash pulled out his phone out of his pocket and clicked my picture.

And then he burst into a fits of laughter, clutching his stomach.

"Don't you have manners? You shouldn't laugh on someone's break up," Sam chided.

"I am sorry," Ash apologized, controlling his laugher. "But your faces were sight to behold."

I realised my mouth was hung open so I immediately shut it.

Nick shoved his hands into his pocket and looked away. His face was blank, devoid of emotion. "I guess I saw it coming" he sighed staring vacantly into the distance.

"I am sorry if I hurt you," I apologized. I don't want someone to be heartbroken because of me.

His gaze fell on me again. " I think we were better as friends. This relationship is becoming suffocating for both of us. It's neither your fault nor mine but we just don't get along each other. I don't know why I decided to date you at the first place," he shrugged.

I felt weight got lifted up my shoulders. "So... We mutual?" I slightly smiled, extending out my hand.

He smiled back. "I guess," he shook my hand and added "We can remain as friends, though right....?"

"Of course," I grinned.

"I will send this picture to everyone," Ash intervened, looking at his phone.

I peeked into his phone and saw it's my picture.

"You need to delete it now," I demanded.

"How about no?" Ash retorted.

"Don't mess with me."

"I am already messing with you."

He smiled and looked into my eyes of fury. I gave him my usual fake laugh and wiggled my eyebrow.






"I AM GONNA RUN! BELLA! DON'T PLEASE! You can't afford to arrange my funeral. HELP ME!" Ash screamed as he ran away from me, I ran after him with a hockey stick wrapped around my fingers.

"This is my room," Nick howled. "Go and fight somewhere else." Luckily his parents weren't at home.

"Delete the picture or I'm gonna give you your present!" I yelled at him as I ran after him, we ran around Nick's room and into the living room and into Nick's room again.

"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I STILL HAVE MUCH MORE IN LIFE! I STILL NEED A WIFE AND CHILDREN AND A JOB. You are looking so good in this picture," he begged as he ran from me.

"Then don't be stubborn and delete the picture," I responded as I chased him around his space.

"I love this picture," he screamed like a madman- that he is and I marched towards him.

He finally met a dead end and he literally dropped to his knees and clasped his two hands together with his usual puppy eyes.

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