| Character Interview |

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The interview will be starting in





Heya everybody, I am your evil Author. We are having Bella Walker with us. Starting with our first question.

Are you and Ash dating?

Bella: Actually I was thinking about it from a long time and (Ash: YES, WE ARE DATING!!) Oh c'mon Ash, don't spoil my interview or I will dump you in a dustbin(ಠ_ಠ)ノ

You guys are really very kind towards each other.

Bella: Yup, all credits to you.

Moving on to the next question, What is your current relationship with Nick?

Bella: We are cool now. We talk with each other like normal friends. Even when he is funny, he is dead-serious.

What things piss you off?

Bella: Remembering my stupid childhood words, Emma's eyes fixed on someone you know who I am talking about, when Author leaves my life at cliff hanger and when someone steals my food. Yeah I am talking about you, Ash. (Ash: I am too innocent for this selfish world.) Hahaha, Was I supposed to laugh? (Ash: NO)

Uh.. Hello, I am still here, I guess.

Bella: Next question.

You need to be polite to me. I am The author. I can still edit the chapters you know.

Bella: Fine! Please ask the next question.

Is Daisy good or bad?

Bella: Yes, she is. She is really supportive towards me. (Daisy: Oh Thank you) but nosy as hell.(Daisy: Hey!)

Are you happy?

Bella: I am... For now. Don't you dare to bring any other tragedy in my life.

You never know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Bella: What-


Welcome again, Our guest is someone who loves Ash more than Bella does.

And that person is Asher Cooper, himself.

Ash: I try not to love myself so much but we all know I am AMAZING. (Bella: keep dreaming) Someone is jealous. (Bella: You wish) Fine, Fine, You don't need to because I love you.(Bella: I want to hug you (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ)

*Coughs* I don't want to be the third wheel, okay?(¬_¬)

Ash: OK......

You are quite popular among the readers.

Ash: They have good taste.(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

Did you get your jacket back?

Ash: No, she didn't return. I am in love with a theif. She is unique, instead of giving gift on my birthday she took one. (Bella: Says the one who stole my pasta) I don't know what you are talking about. (Bella: So innocent, note the sarcasm)

Any words for your friends?

Ash: I will text them 50+ times in a row and feel no Shame. They literally signed up for this. (Sam: You need to stop messaging me) As if I will listen to you. (Dylan and Nick: STOP. MESSAGING. US!) I heard you and ignored. Next question, please...

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