Chapter 28 - Something is missing

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Ash placed the acoustic guitar on his right leg, pulling it closer to him and began playing it. The excitement wired his body like he was plugged into the mains. It felt like his brain was on fast-forward and there was no off switch. His lips hooked up in a boyish grin. He was giddy with excitement.

After catching up some good sleep at home, I am here at his house.

I was silently sitting in front of him, staring at him. The pensive look on my face melting into a smile as soft as the morning light. He should always be like this- happy because he makes everyone happy.

Sometimes annoys too.

Ash suddenly stopped as he heard his aunt calling his name.

"I'll be right back," he said and strolled out, leaving the guitar on the bed.

I was sitting on his bed, looking at everything in his room. His room was decorated elegantly with many pictures. Over the mantle were his childhood pictures. He was looking different, of course he would it was his childhood picture. Around it were smaller pictures of his uncle, aunt and Alex with him. He was younger, probably by a couple of years. Everything else was of his friends. Every decoration was boyish, there was an old picture of a couple, maybe his parents. And then at the last was my picture kept safely at a table near his bed.

My mouth was set in a semi-pout as I observed my picture. There were two people making weirdest face that they could, one's head was resting lazily on other's shoulder. One was me and the other was Ash. This idiot couldn't find any better picture.

"My Aunt said that I didn't even ask you if you want to drink water or something, so Will you drink water?" Ash reentered the room.

"No thanks," I replied casually.

"Aunt, she is saying no," he informed his Aunt, sitting on the bed across me.

My eyes landed on a coffee mug with 'Happy Birthday' engraved on it. It must be his birthday gift.

"Who gave you that coffee mug?" I asked, having an ear to ear grin on my face

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"Who gave you that coffee mug?" I asked, having an ear to ear grin on my face.

"Emma," he replied.



The smile fell from my face and I snapped. My eyebrow rose up automatically.

"Why?" I asked.

"As a birthday gift." He answered. "I was shocked when she gave me this mug because I didn't invite her on my birthday party but still she gave."

"And you took it?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"What if she misunderstoods?"

"It's her problem then."

"Are you sure?"

He clamped his hand over my mouth.

"How many questions will you ask? I am not giving you an interview," he blurted.

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