Chapter 2 - Just hide the Truth

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The boys didn't return for the whole time neither did Jack.

Soon the bell rang and all the students grabbed their backpacks. I also did the same and was going out when I saw those boys in the playground. 

Ash had bruises under his eyes and near his lips but not only Ash. So did the other boys.

The brown haired guy was standing in front of Sam and was applying some medicine over the injury under Ash's eye.

They were talking about something. It wasn't audible from there so I walked closer to them.

"Who told you to sit beside her?" the brown haired guy taunted "Now suffer".

"She was cute though," Ash answered.

"These bruises are cuter". The other guy applied the medicine over his forehead. "Listen my friend, a pretty face gets old but a good heart will remain."

"Ahh... You are hurting me, Sammy," Ash screamed.

"Do you want that bully to apply the medicine?"

"Give," Ash commanded "I will do it myself".

"No, I paid for this medicine. If I give it to you then you will probably finish it"

"Miser!" Ash taunted, pouting at him. "This medicine is more important to you."

"At least I paid,I am not like these donkeys," the brown haired guy taunted the other two boys.

Suddenly Nick, I mean Nicholas, noticed me.

I immediately turned away and started walking like I didn't see anything.

I felt a sudden tug at the collar of my hoodie and was jerked backwards.

I spun my head and saw Nicholas who was holding the back collar of my hoodie. The other three were staring at me with their hands crossed around their chest.

"Hey". I smiled nervously.

"Can I ask who that demon was who fought with me just because I sat beside you?" Ash questioned. "I mean you're not even that pretty."

I don't like him already.

"M-My brother", I answered nervously, "Jackson Walker."

"I have heard about him. He is that boy who was expelled from many schools and bullies everyone".

"Yes". I was embarrassed.

"I heard he even bullied a boy as soon as he entered the school," Nicholas muttered.

"You didn't know about it?" I frowned "The whole class knows."

"Actually because of someone's breakfast, I was late." The brown haired guy glared at Ash who just lowered his head, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"My brother always does this, that's why I asked you to change your seat."

"I heard something called sorry exists on this earth," Ash hair guy taunted "Am I right, Bella?"

"Why should I say sorry?", I argued "I didn't do anything wrong."

"But you didn't do anything right either, Bella."

He got a point.

"Let's start with introduction first," I muttered in an attempt to change the subject.

"I am Samuel Watson. You can call me Sam," The guy who was previously applying medicine over Ash's forehead said.

"We're not here for introduction. You need to apologize because you didn't stop your brother from hitting Ash," the black hair guy interrupted.

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