Chapter 40 - Final

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• B E L L A' S P O V

I dropped the broken bottle, letting it roll away across the carpet. I glanced at the blood in my hands.

Risking anyone's life was not in my dictionary, especially when that anyone is Ash. Putting all my pressure on my left leg, I walked out of that room to search for Ash. Sam and Dylan tried to stop me but I didn't.

As all the focus of the Shitface was fixed on Ash, I took the opportunity to pierce the broken glass bottle into his skin. And I stabbed it again and again. His blood drizzled down my face like rain on a window. I showed no mercy.

Rather than finding the devil out there, we battle the devil within us.

My eyes landed on Ash who was now unconscious I don't know why. His eyes were shut, head tilted a few degrees back, hair falling onto his forehead and lips parted for small intakes of air.

I sat there, my arm resting on my inclined knees. I hesitatingly leaned my head against his shoulder, eyes fixed on my bloody hand.

Self defense is not a murder.

"You forced me to kill you," I muttered to the dead body, feeling the rage burning inside me.


I lied in the bleach tinctured ward on the crisp but thinning sheets. A curtain hung limply on the chrome railing, looking like it's been washed a thousand times. With eyes on the polystyrene tiles above I heard the door open and in comes Ash with rest of the boys.

"How are you feeling now?" asked Ash.

"Much better."

I stretched my hand to brush it against the wound on his neck.

"Get it bandaged," I said, focussing on his neck.

"It doesn't hur- Ahh..." He winced as I pressed the wound a bit.

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?"

"Fine! I will get it bandaged," He dead-panned, pulling the chair to sit beside the bed where I was lying.

He held my hand, his thumb gently stroking her knuckles. His hand was baby soft.

Sam coughed to get our attention towards them.

"I think I'm in love, Walker," Sam said love in a sing-song manner.

"Please Sam, you fall in love with every girl passing by" Ash laughed.

"It's real this time" he pouted.

"Who is the unlucky girl?"

"You-" Sam said.

Ash dramatically cupped his face. "I am straight, bro."

Sam laughed. It came to my ears as a tickle and bounce- in such generous mirth.

"Let me complete. I wanted to say your admirer, Emma," he clarified.

Ash's mouth formed a 'o' as he heard his words. "It's good but listen don't be a rebound and don't get used."

Sam nodded in response.

I huffed in annoyance and pushed the loose strands of my messy hair behind the ears.

"You guys don't need to be serious too," I blurted. "Nick is enough."

"Seriously, stop being serious. We are all just talking monkeys swinging through life obstacles but still trying to enjoy swinging," Dylan intervened and I lost my few brain cells while trying to understand what he said.

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