Chapter 23 - It's not the answer for my question

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Having my breakfast, I decided to check on Ash and Jack who were still asleep.

Mom and Dad were unaware of the presence of Ash in our house neither do they know anything about last night.

After what happened last night, I'm pretty sure that Ash will have hangover once he wakes up. Jack has a good experience of getting drunk. The morning sun rose up, casting it's ray upon Ash's face.

I climb on my bed and sat beside him, staring at him, crossing my arms on my chest. Then his eyelids flicker, and a few moments later he covered his face with the blanket, turning his back towards me.

"Ash, wake up!" I said as I shook him.

"Look I have tasty pizzas waiting for you," I lied.

He groaned, putting the pillow over his ears.

"So you won't wake up," I responded.

I grabbed my alarm clock that was kept on the side table to throw at him but then stopped because it's expensive.

I need to show him the real power of Bella Walker.

I went into the bathroom and brought a bucket full of ice cold water and


He sat up abruptly, blinking and looking at me with his drowsy eyes. His lids that were lazily dropping still leaden with sleep snapped open as violently as if he have woken up from the sound of explosion.

"It's a crime to torture someone while sleeping," he said in a complaining voice.

"You don't even know what real torture is," I retorted.

"Ahh... My head will explode now," he shrieked, gripping his head.

"Who told you to drink then?"

"I was curious how it feels to drink alcohol so I drank a little bit but I didn't realized when this little bit became alot."

"Excellent!" I exclaimed. "Now go and change your clothes."

"I don't have any other clothes," he murmured, pulling a puppy face.

"Borrow it from Jack."

The way he gripped his head felt like it would swell beyond the capacity of his skull and now his dehydration was too obvious to ignore. Again his stomach lurched and gurgled. Perhaps some painkillers would help too. He raised his heavy eyelids half way only for them to fall shut. He raised them again and swung his bare feet to the carpet again.

Once on his feet the room swayed almost causing him to loose balance and he reached out for the wall.

"Are you alright? Do you need support?" I asked, my arms reaching out to help him.

He nodded, giving me an assuring smile and strolled out of the room.

"After coming back to your senses, come to me. I want to have an important talk," I blurted.

"Ok," he responded.

I crossed my arms, giving cold expression to Ash and Jack who were sitting in front of me like children who cheated in their exam and got caught.

"So Mr. Walker, Can you explain about yesterday night's incident?" I asked stiffly.

"Bella, I was in a mood to have some real party so I went there," Jack replied casually.

"Were James and Stephen dead? Why you took Asher with you?" I questioned, raising my brow.

"He never drank alcohol before so I took him with me as a birthday gift," Jack explained.

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