Chapter 12 - Boring Deal

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We went to the doctor and blah blah blah. So the conclusion is I am lying on my bed with a elastic bandage wrapped around my ankle.

Doctor told three days rest is enough but how much I know my family they won't let me go anywhere for atleast a week.

"Bella," I heard someone calling my name.

It wasn't Jack's voice but it was familiar.

I slumped on the bed and got up by clutching the chair. I walked by putting pressure on the other leg rather than the sprained one.

As I reached Jack's room. My eyes shot a gaze at a boy with Blonde hair.


I hid behind the door and peeked from there.

"Why can't I call Bella here?" Ash interrogated.

"She is taking rest and I don't want anyone to disturb her," Jack explained.

"Fine," Ash sighed.

He widened his eyes and rotated his head to take a look at every corner of the room.

"Your house is so big," He exclaimed, rolling the sleeves of his black shirt over the bandage that he had right on the place where I dug my nails. "But my heart is bigger."

"So you want to say that my heart is small?" Jack asked.


"Good to hear"

"Or maybe yes," Ash muttered.

I chuckled and glanced at Jack, who took a deep breath to calm himself.

"Let's get at the point. I called you here because I have a deal to offer," Jack uttered.

"What deal?" Ash questioned "And what I will get?"

"I won't Bully you for this whole year and since it's my last year as school student, you won't face any problem atleast due to me in this school," Jack explained.

"Boo.." Ash gave a thumps down "Boring deal."

"Why the hell are you saying that?"

"Do you think I am scared of you? Mr. Walker will come and kill me. I am so afraid," Ash mocked.

"What you want in return?" Jack wiggled his brow.

He will say I want pizza.

He exhaled and said "I want you to give Bella some freedom. If she does mistakes let her do, she will learn something from it. She asks for permission to do anything, isn't that enough? Why to stop her? She has grown up, let her take her decisions. You care for her that's completely fine but don't overdo that."

My eyes shot open and a slight smile was forming on my lips.

Is he really Ash? This statement wasn't expected from him.

"What you are telling is right, Ok I agree with your condition. I will give her some freedom but only if I feel like," Jack responded.

Ash head palmed himself and said "After telling so much still you didn't understood anything. You and your sister, it's damn difficult to explain you both something."

Liar! When I didn't understood what he explained me? And did he ever explained me anything?

"What you explained to my sister?" Jack questioned.

"Game strategy," Ash lied, hastily.

"Then it's ok."

"And I also want free pizza for a whole month."

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