Chapter 14 - Coincidence

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"Why?" Jack continued asking.

"There are several reasons for it. Let me start with I got call from your school. They found you roaming in the school and bunking every class. Can't you for a second be serious about your studies? After me it's you who will be in charge of our family business," Dad shouted.

"Was it the only reason?" Jack asked, trying to calm himself.


"Then what's else?"

"I told you to be away from that Stephen and James. They are spoiled kids but still you stick to them," Dad muttered.

Dad don't know that his son is the mastermind.

"They are my friends," Jack defended.

"This friendship will not help when you will be searching for money and job. That time you will regret why you didn't heard me?"

"What else?"

"If you can't be a good son then atleast be a good brother. You promised me before that you will protect Bella," said Dad, in a high pitch voice.

"And I did It," Jack argued.

"So why the hell she is there with a sprained ankle?"

Jack's eyes were full of rage. His veins around the neck rising up in a curl.

"I don't know. I don't know anything. I don't know why you are my Dad. It was better if I had no Dad," Jack shrieked.

"You shouldn't talk like this to your father. Right, uncle?" Ash interjected.

"Absolutely right," Dad agreed.

"I don't need to learn how to talk with my father from an orphan," Jack muttered.

A stab of fury surged through me as I glanced over at Ash. His gaze was as sharp as steel, his hands clenching at the sides of the table and searched for God knows what? on the table with his eyes still on Jack. Then he picked the glass.

"Are you planning to throw it?" I whispered.

"No, I will eat it," he answered, of course sarcastically.

My hands reached out on resting his clenched finger. His body stiffened but then it seemed relax from my touch, his grip around the glass loosened.

"You will not throw the glass," I mumbled.

"If you will not leave my hand. I will throw it on you," he responded.

"Throw it on me but not on Jack."

"You are stubborn."

"Thank you," I replied, in a low voice that was hardly audible to anyone else except Ash.

"Ok," he said, letting out a long breath, his face returning to its usual smile.

I pulled my hands back but not before Nick's eyes flash over our hands. His brows knitted together in a frown and eyes narrowing. His lips thinned slightly.

He caught my eyes. He didn't said anything at this and turned away breaking the eye contact.

Getting back to the heated argument, Dad stared at Jack for the last time before he stormed out of the room.

"For what reason you are here?" Dad questioned Nick and Ash, with arched brows.

"Group studies," Ash answered immediately.

Ash is always ready with an excuse. I should take classes from him.

"Finished with your work?"

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