Chapter 11 - Ouch!

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"Asher, I am asking something," Jack yelled.

"I will tell you," I uttered.

"Asher, answer me," he grumbled.

"She tripped on the floor and sprained her ankle," Ash answered in a low tone.

"What you were supposed to do?"

"I am not a kid. It's not his duty to take care of me. I fell down, it was my fault," I muttered.

"Why your words doesn't feel true?" said Jack, his hands still resting on my and Ash's shoulder.

Because it isn't, Bro.

"Do you doubt me?" I questioned.

"Of course not. I can doubt anyone but not you".

Sometimes he sounds so sweet, only sometimes.

My eyes landed on Ash who dropped his head. His eyes were downcast and whole body was rigid but held in calm manner.

Oh shoot! His shoulder.

"Jack, Can you remove your hand from his shoulder?" I requested.


"He got hurt over there," I answered, my voice Shaked as I spoke.

"So why you are having problem?" Jack questioned, stiffening his jaw.

"I don't have any problem. Just for humanity."

He didn't removed his hand instead he applied more pressure.

"Why are you so interested in touching my shoulder, Jackson Walker?" Ash finally spoke.

"I am not."

"But it's not looking like that," Ash spatted.

Jack jerked his hand backwards. And stared at Ash with his brows drawn together and lips curled.
His vision fell on my hand which was tightly wrapped around Ash's hand.

"Asher, hand!" He shouted.

I loosened my grip and Ash slipped his hand out.

"Hey, what's your name?" Jack questioned Nick, his voice had no sense of politeness.

"Why will I tell you? Who are you?" Nick answered in the same tone.

"You won't answer me?" He muttered.


Jack's jaw tightened. His fist was curling up, his breath fastened and face bloomed with anger.

"Nicholas Adams," I interjected, hastily.

"Ok," he took a pause "So Nicholas, I told you earlier but seems like you want me to show you what I can do."

"Show me," Nick blurted, getting up from the ground to face Jack directly.

Jack's anger was crossing limits. He took a step ahead and opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him.

"Ouch.... My leg," I screamed, trying to move their attention towards me.

"Don't worry. I am here," Nick assured.

He knelt and held my leg gently.

"You are not a doctor," Jack hissed.

"You need to seek a doctor for your mental health," Ash mumbled.

Don't laugh, Bella.

"What did you said?" Jack uttered.

"I, I said pollution is such a important topic but we are ignoring it. In future, we will be regretting why we didn't took any initiative to solve this problem. It can --"

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