Chapter 3 - Crazy for Pizza

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I've been set in this place for nearly an hour and my neck muscles are fit to spasm. It felt like my elbow had melded to the table, in the centre of the room.

"I need to go now," I informed, my eyes wandering over the clock.

"Why?" They asked in unison.

"Jack must be on his way and if --".

"You don’t go then he will make our lives hell, right?" Nicholas interrupted.

"Oh! You are smart," I said as sarcasm dipped from my tone.

"I am smarter," Asher stated. "My IQ is sharper than any knife in existence."

"Yeah of course." 

"Give me your phone number. In case if we ever need to call you in future," Sam asked.

"But Jack checks my phone."

"Is he your own brother?" Asher questioned "he doesn't trust you". You didn't have to hurt me in that way.

"He don't want me to get distracted from my studies," I explained. Distracted. My ass.

"Ok I won't call you but give me your number in case of emergency we might need to call you," Sam demanded.

"What type of emergency can occur?" I raised my brow.

"Ok fine. Don't give him your number," said Nicholas bluntly.

"I don't have any problem giving my number. I was just worrying about you all," I explained.

"So give it," Asher added.

"Give me your phone, Asher. I will save my number in it."

"You can call me Ash," he allowed "just like everyone else."

"Some people don't like it when I call them with nicknames so I thought I shouldn't," I taunted Nicholas.

"Ok, you can call me Nick," Nicholas uttered, seriously.

"That’s great, Nick. I will call you Nick from now onwards, Nick."

"That doesn't mean you have to say my name all the time," he added "just when it's needed."

Like I am dying to call him that.

"So boys, you all think of me as your f-f-friend," I inquired.

"No, you are not our f-f-friend. You are our friend, got it," Ash replied.

I felt my lips twitch upward. They weren't stand-offish, they remained friendly faced and welcoming in gesture.

"I am going now."

"Get lost then," They waved hands in unison.

No one disrespects me like that but somehow I don't seem to mind their behavior at all.

But then I ran back towards them.

"What happened?" Dylan questioned.

"My number," I recalled.

"Oh yes, take my phone and save it." Ash gave his phone.

The phone cover was of yellow colour with a picture of pizza in the centre. Childish.

"Hey Ash, What's the password?" I asked.

"Ok, I am telling you," Ash replied "but don't tell them the password".


He brought his face closer to my ear, I shifted a bit, feeling a bit shy at the unintentional closeness of the boy. 

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