Chapter 39 - The Prince and his Princess

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A U T H O R' S   P O V

There was nothing worse than making Sam scared. He was sure he heard someone scream and all he wanted to do was run away as fast as he could.

"No one is sensible here," complained a scaredy Sam.

"What am I then? A potato?" Ash huffed.

"Sensible, my ass."

"Your ass is sensible. I never knew that," Ash mocked.

"There's someone inside," Sam explained in a cowardly whisper, fingers to his lips. Snuffling in closer to Ash, egging him to go back by pushing and tugging slightly at his shoulder.

"What the Donal duck!" Ash cursed loudly. "If someone is here. It can be Bella, we can't leave."

"You are right but-" Sam said, his heart racing.

The others climbed the stairs. "Hey! You can't leave me alone," Sam yelled and trailed behind them.

Ash's hands trembled as he reached his hand towards the door knob. Something was inside there and it was anything but good. His body felt hot and sweat started trickling down his neck. He gripped it tightly and twisted it. With every move he made, he got more and more terrified. His breath quickened as he heard the creaking of the door. Suddenly everything was silent and behind the door was just darkness.

"This room is empty. Let's check another," The boy said, slamming the door shut.

But little did they know, Bella was present in the bathroom attached to that room. Her heart was racing and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save her. But no one could, she was in a situation that she herself didn't want anyone to come there.

A choked cry for help forced itself up her throat, and she felt a drop run down her cheek. It seemed as if this was the end of the road for her.

Hearing her best friend-soon-to-be-boyfriend's voice, she realized that there was a possibility that she could escape this darkness that engulfed her.

But risking his or anyone's life for the sake of her own life wasn't that too selfish.

She would rather die than be guilty for the rest of her life.

The murderer dragged her. It was obviously easy for him to kill one in comparison of five. Seeing the girl's mental state, it seemed uncomplicated to silence her screams of protest.

"You would never want me to kill these boys, do you?" These words from the Psychopath was enough to mess with Bella's mind.

And she chose to be selfless.

Every murder is the end of a story, yet so many tales take it as their start.

"I already informed you by sending those letters but you ignored it," The psychopath muttered

It means even Jack saw those and Daisy is next to be killed Bella thought to herself.

"Are you scared now?" The criminal asked, eagerly waiting for her answer with a evil smirk.

"Wipe your mouth, there is a tiny bit of bullshit around your lips. I told you even if you will kill me, I. Won't. Fear. You," Bella retorted.

In seconds, he grabbed her hand and shoved it into a sharp edged object over and over until her blood splattered the high-end, walls and floors alike. A scream made its way out of her mouth.

His hand searched for knife in his pocket but he couldn't find it. "I'll be right back. Be a good girl and don't move," he ruffled her hair and walked out of the room.

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