Chapter 32 - My only well wishers

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My Mom kept insisting to take Jack with me but luckily he wasn't present at that moment. I am worried where he is. He didn't came home after school.

Nick messaged me his address. And here I am, in his room, sitting on a couch.

Nestled in the couch, cosy with a blanket, glued to the TV, eyes almost turning square sat Nick, Sam and Dylan. They were enjoying, it was clear from their face.

I was sitting beside Nick, his arms encircled my waist and his head lolled to my shoulder. You must've wondered how I am even alive when Nick is so close to me. The answer is I don't know.

I didn't even know why I was watching this match, barely focussing on the game. I just sat there next to the Oreo packet until to my surprise they were finished. I tapped out the crumbs into my palm. Once again my mind turned to the chips in the cupboard that I saw before entering his room. I wish I could eat them. A thought diverted my attention what would Ash be doing now?

Sliding my phone out of my pocket, I texted Ash.

Are you playing games with Alex or watching SpongeBob Squarepants?

I patiently waited for his reply but he didn't. Oh how stupid of me I was expecting a reply when he wasn't online.

The room was dimly lit with the vintage wall sconces that hung on the mute coloured walls like earrings. Thick velvet curtains hid the long windows across the walls. One couch stood the opposite side of the TV. The paintings and faded tapestry panels on the wall looked like they were greeting me.

"Do you want more Oreo packets?" Nick asked.

"N-no, I am full," I answered.

He smiled before planting a soft kiss over my hairs.

I was way more embarrassed than words can ever explain. He noticed that I was just being an hungry beast for the whole time.

Nick's eyes narrowed as he studied my face. He pressed his lips together, reaching out to keep his hand on my shoulder.

"You are bored, aren't you?" He raised an eyebrow.

I blinked, meeting his eyes. "N-no, I am enjoying."

I faked an amused chuckle, turning my face to the other side.

"You sure?"

I give him a nod.

A hand encircled my wrist, I looked up at him again, abruptly.

"You're lying. You don't like football," he said in a firm tone. "What do you think of me, Bella? If you don't want to do something. All you have to do is say."

"H-How d-do you know?" I stuttered.

"I knew it from the day when I was discussing about Football with Kyra. I just wanted to hear it from you." He said, eyebrows quirking once again. "Are you scared of me?"

"No," I paused, feeling a bit of nervousness in my Belly at the sudden change in his tone. My palms begin to sweat."I came here because I want to explore new things and I-"

"Come on, Bella Walker. Stop playing with words. It's not only about today. You are always like this. You always lie to me. You make me feel like I forced you to be my girlfriend," he gave me dangerously serious look. "I am observing this from a long time."

My heart leaped. He's rarely impulsive. I decided to be the calm one here.

"I lied today because I didn't want to make you sad. And apart from today I never lied to you," I replied as calmly as I could.

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