Chapter 30 - "You're the cutest girl I've ever seen"

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The cafeteria was a cacophony of loud chatter, each table a cosseted huddle of people raising their voices to be heard above the din.

I grabbed Daisy's hand and we walked to the corner to make sure no one hears our conversation.

"Tell me," I demanded.


"About the murders."

"Oh!" Daisy exclaimed. "I heard you were talking about letters. If I am not wrong, it has a connection with murders."

My eyes widened at her words. I never speak anything related to the murders to anyone when I am in school except today when Nick asked whether I still see those letters or not. So how does she know?

"Today I was just passing by and I heard your conversation with your friend," she paused to gulp. "I see them too.. same as the one that is engraved on the bodies of victim. I thought someone was playing prank on me but after I saw the news..."

She saw the shock register on my face, washed blank with confusion, like my brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information from my wide eyes. So it wasn't just me.

"Let's just ignore it."

"You are coward," she spoke without even hesitating for a second.

"I know. You don't need to remind me," I retorted.

"But seriously. You won't do anything for it?"

She gawked at me, hope glinting in her eyes. I simply nodded in response.

"Isn't it suspicious?" She asked.

"It is."

"Then why aren't you bothered?"

"Because I just want to ignore it."

She raised her hand in surrender.
I heard the boys calling my name so I walked towards the them.

"Wait!" Daisy cried.

I continued walking and stopped when I reached the table where they were sitting.

I sat down on the chair and told them everything about my conversation with Daisy in short.

"What if she's the murderer?" Sam asked and I shrugged in response.

"We'll call the police if she will try to harm us," Dylan suggested.

We nodded in response.

"We will push her from the terrace," Ash added.

We again nodded in response.

I carefully steal a peek of Daisy. She tied her shoe lace and strolled towards us.

We examined her with eyes like silver lightning and cocked our brows in skepticism.

"Act normal," Nick whispered.

Our gaze flickered from her to the table. I pressed my lips together in an attempt to hide the skepticism spreading across my face.

"Hey, Guys!" said Daisy with a smile. Placing the tray on the table, she took the seat beside me.

"Hi," We replied simultaneously.

I shoved a spoonful of pasta in my mouth, avoiding her gaze on me.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked me.

"She is possessed," Ash answered.

I shoot a glare at him and he lowered his head, a tiny smile forming on his lips.

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