Chapter 22 - Only mine

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I stretched my leg on other chair, staring at the wall. The grey of the wall was diffuse and mottled, like sun on a storm cloud. There was a picture of Ash hugging Alex decorated elegantly on the wall.

Nick was sitting beside me with his cheek resting on his hands. Sam was there too chatting with someone on his phone. Alex was already asleep from a long time. I wouldn't be bored if Ash was around. Ash's Uncle and Aunt were in their room watching television.

There was silence between us except the sound of Sam's finger clicking the screen.

"I am so bored," I broke the silence.

"Entertain yourself," Nick responded.

"How can I?"

"I dunno, you tell."

"Let's talk with each other atleast it will be better than staring the wall," I uttered.


"Do you have siblings?" I asked.

"No, I am only child of my parents," he answered.

"Why you didn't liked it when I called you Nick before?"

"Because I don't like people other than my friends and family calling me Nick."

"It's your Nick- name," I chuckled at my lame joke while Nick just smiled forcefully.

"Can I ask something if you won't mind?" Nick muttered.

"Yeah sure."

"Do you have someone you like?"

"Umm... Yes," I replied.

"Who is he?"


"I can't tell you. He is really very handsome. I kinda have crush on him," I responded, my cheeks blossomed with red colour.

"He must be lucky," He exclaimed, a disappointed smile touching his lips.

I glanced at the clock. It was 1 'O'clock but still neither Jack nor did Ash returned.

"Atleast Ash should've insisted to take me with him but that idiot was too excited to think about me," I spatted.

"I can drop you in Uncle's car if you want," He offered.

"No, Jack will get worried if I will go without informing him."

"Call and tell him."

"He isn't picking up my phone," I responded.

"Then Ash."

"Yeah, you are right."

Suddenly someone's phone began ringing. I searched to look whose phone was ringing then I saw Sam picking up the call.

"Yes, Mom. I am coming. No, I am not hanging out anywhere. I am in Ash's house. I swear. Ok, I am coming," he said, hanging up the call.

"I need to go, guys," Sam informed us.

"Bye," I waved at him.

He slipped his phone into his jacket's pocket and left the house, leaving me and Nick alone there.

"Call Ash," Nick blurted.

I called Ash and he immediately picked the call.

"Ash, Where are you?" I asked.

"I-I... am a-at Connolly's pub," Ash fumbled, in a raspy voice.

"You are drunk," I exclaimed, my eyes widened.

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