Chapter 21 - Stalker

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Another update;-)
Thanks for reading it till here. It means alot to me.

P.S: The above picture is of (guess) whom you can imagine as Bella.

If you liked the face claim then it's fantastic but if not, then you know what you need to do?

Pretend like you didn't saw anything.

I don't have face claim idea's for other characters. You can suggest me.

~Happy Reading,


"Mom!" I exaggerated "Do you want any help?"

"What do you want?" Mom asked.

"I want to go for bicycling."

"Take Jack with you."

"I can go alone, Mom. Please, please," I pleaded.

"Why suddenly you want to go for cycling?" she interrogated.

"I think I am getting fat."

"No, you are perfect sweetheart."

"I just want to explore nature. Can I?" I requested, making a puppy face.

"Ok but don't hurt yourself," Mom allowed.

"You are the best mom ever," I complimented, giving a quick kiss on her cheek.

I rushed to the main door, pulling my bicycle down the street.My hairs whipped back as I let my feet on the pedals of my bicycle. My bicycle is really special to me. Dad bought it for me when I was fifteen on my birthday.

I started pedaling, inching toward my destination and enjoying the newly cool air. It was a lovely day, the first of all the days of spring, with crocuses and daisies in the neighbors garden, and white asters blooming all around. I didn't simply like nature, but rather I loved it. The trees and the flowers and the animals who lasted all around. Imagining all of nature destroyed would be like leaving my soul gasping for breath.

I stopped as I saw Ash strolling out of his house with a rose bouquet in his hand, wearing loose white sweatshirt over dark ripped jeans, slipping into white shoes.

A bouquet?

He ran his hand into his hairs again, I don't know why he likes doing that before leaving for somewhere hurriedly. He didn't noticed me as I was quite not visible from where he was standing.

I parked my bicycle there and followed him, trying not get caught. He was literally running on the road before entering a graveyard.

I chewed my lips, my eyes peered at the horrifying view of the graveyard.

I swallowed my breath and trailed inside, crunching the leaves under my sneakers.

"I am sorry for being late. I know you will forgive me because you love me, right?" Ash muttered.

To whom he is saying this?

I have seen in movie. Normal guys can fall in love with ghost so if Ash--

Oh Bella, What are you thinking?

"You are not coming on my birthday because you don't want to give gift, huh? I know you are miser!" He complained.

I crept into the draping leaves, that brushed against my exposed legs. I parted a leaf that obscured my view to see the front.

Ash was sitting beside a grave. He left that bouquet on the tombstone and remained there.

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