Chapter 20 - Ash's Magic

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Mr. Shelby entered the classroom like a lion. His hand clutched around books.

My mind was starting to fail, like an engine that turns over and over, never kicking into action. I couldn't formulate a thought. How can I forget? I buried my face into my hand, feeling like my heart would explode.

"Are you fine?" Ash said, patting me at my back.

"No, I am not," I said, jerking my head towards him "All thanks to you."

"What did I do?"

"Because of you. I left my exercise book on bed."

"It's because of your carelessness," he retorted.

"There's no point in arguing. I need to endure the punishment again and this time alone," I responded.

"All of you will come and submit me their homeworks when I will call them," Mr. Shelby ordered.

"Yes sir," the whole class responded in a singing voice.

Like hail on a glass pane, the drumming of my fingers was as relentless as it was loud. Each click of my tiny nails on the table echoed the tumultuous thudding of my heart beat.

I swallowed as Mr. Shelby asked Nick and Sam to bring their exercise book. Now only I and Ash were left to submit.

"Asher Cooper and Bella Walker!" Mr. Shelby called.

I rose from my spot, my fingers curling up, dugging my tiny nails into my skin.

"Sir, I forgot to bring my exercise book," I said, my voice was one of nervousness.

"How can you Forget? Do you forget to eat?" Mr. Shelby yelled.

I lowered my face and eyes began watering. "Sorry."

"Come out of your seat and stand here right in front of the blackboard with your hands raised," Mr. Shelby commanded.

I trudged in front of blackboard, wiping my teary eyes. Everyone was looking at me either pitying or mocking me.
I raised my hands, lowering my vision. I could feel my lips curved in a grimace.

"What about you Mr. Cooper?" Mr. Shelby asked.

"I forgot too," Ash lied.

"So what are you waiting for? Join her."

Ash nodded obediently and stopped beside me, raising his hands.

"Why you lied?" I questioned, in a low voice.

"Because it was my fault so why you should be punished alone?" Ash uttered, giving me his million dollar smile.

"That's really a sweet gesture," I smiled back at him.

"I know," he retorted.

I casually rotated my head towards the students and felt the heat rise to my cheeks as Nick looked in my direction, he was pitying me and I snapped my head away. I could feel his eyes still on me, I silently inhaled and exhaled, hoping that his thoughts about me were good.

"I read somewhere that Crush is nothing more than lust for someone," Ash interjected.

"Do you want to say I am a lustful person?" I snapped.

"Yeah," he nodded "How can someone fall in love just by looking?"

"So what love means to you?"

"Until I find someone who treats me better than I treat myself. I am staying single."

"What about Emma?" I teased.

"She loves my appearance not me," he replied.

"Hmm.. You are right but I am not a lustful person."

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