Chapter 31 - Your relationship teacher

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"I won't help Jack when Dad will scold him today," I murmured.

"Sure." Ash supported.

He left my hand when we reached the table.

My eyes searched for my pasta. As much as I remember I left it on the table.

"What are you searching for?" Ash questioned.

"I was-" I blurted. "What are you eating?"

"Spaghetti," he replied.

"It's pasta."

"Both are same."

"No, they aren't, you pasta theif," I groaned.

"One piece is left. Wanna eat?" He asked.

"How can you have the audacity to touch my pasta without my permission?"

He picked up the last piece of my pasta and hit on my lips with it. I made a face but then opened my mouth.

"You bit my finger," he winced.

"You deserved it," I retorted, turning my face away. I don't want to see a pasta theif.

"It's bleeding," he made a puppy face. "I will get AIDS now."

I stole a peek of him. "Show me."

He rolled his eyes at me. I pulled his hands to check the strength of my teeth.

"It's not that much. You need to be strong, dumbass," I quipped, smiling.

He returned me the smile. His smile was soft, like a petals caught in a breeze. It was just enough to allow a gleam of white from the teeth below and a slight dimple of his cheek.

"Hello king and Queen, Will you go to the class or your palace?" Daisy interjected.

"I would've gone to my palace if I had one," Ash replied. "For now I will go to the classroom."

He joined the other boys in their way to the class. I and Daisy sauntered together behind them.

"Are you single?" Daisy asked.

"Why are you asking me that?" I responded.

"Because there are many rumors about you. I don't want to believe any of them without confirmation."

"I am not single," I murmured.

"Who is the lucky guy, huh?" She nudged my shoulder.

"Nick," I mumbled.

"Nick as for Nicholas!" She squealed.

"Shh.. I don't want the whole school to know about it."


"Because I just don't want to," I murmured.

"I was with you two for the whole time but still couldn't find out. How's that possible?" She blurted.

"Maybe You have some eye problem."

"No, its because you both don't act like you two are in a relationship."

I frowned at the statement, lips pressing into a thin line and eyes crinkle halfs because of the wrinkle forced on the forehead. Do couples have something written on their heads?

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned.

"I mean there are five stages of dating," She uttered. "Attraction, Reality, Commitment, Intimacy and Engagement. You've been in this school for about two months so I think you both are in first stage."

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