Chapter 7 - Digging your own grave

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The classes finally came to an end.

We grabbed our backpacks and marched towards the exit.

"Do you think Jackson will agree?" Dylan questioned.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Your brother is one of the worst people I have ever seen," Ash exclaimed.

"He is my brother. I won't allow you to insult him"

"That is the problem."

"You're a problem, Ash," I faked a smile.

"Thanks for the compliment," Ash returned the fake smile.

"Bye, guys," I waved my hand "see you soon."

I made my way towards my car and opened the door, Jack was sitting inside.

I was simply shocked

"J-Jack, you are here."


"But your health isn't good, you shouldn't come," I uttered.

"Doctor checked me and told me that I am completely fine. Now I can go to school.Are you happy?" He informed me.

Why? You are alright, it's good but you are coming to school, it isn't good.

"Of course I am happy," I lied.

"That's great. Now get inside,"he commanded.

I got inside and we left to reach Home.

I should have asked him for permission but my words died in my throat.

"J-Jack," I stammered.

"What?" He replied.

"The weather is so pleasant today."


I don't have courage now, I will talk to him at home.

I tilted my head against the window and started looking outside.

"Bella, turn here," Jack ordered.

I turned my head towards him.

"What happened?"I questioned.

He held my chin gently. "Why is your chin swollen?"

"I f-fell down," I replied.


"I was on the stairs when due to the heaviness of my bag I fell down," I lied.

"That's why I told you shouldn't go to school alone," Jack scolded.

"It doesn't hurt."

"You can't lie to me,"he responded confidently.

Well, I lied. Not once, I think thrice.

"After a few hours, we will go to the doctor."

I pointed on my chin."For this."


"But it's not needed."

"It can be serious," said Jack.

"But it's not. Trust me."

"Ok if you say. But take care of yourself, you are precious," Jack muttered.

I nodded.

We reached home and I freshened up.

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