Chapter 15 - Sweet poison

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Days dragged by and I caught myself multiple times wishing to go meet my friends soon.
No one came to visit me after that day. Maybe because of the friendly service they got.

Wait why am I talking like Ash?

But I am really very happy today as my leg had completely healed and I am going to the school.

I adjusted my black shrug with red stripes on it that I wore over black tank top and faded jeans. My wardrobe is filled with black clothes. I love Black.
I smudged my lips, blending the lip balm.

After I ensured Everything was perfect. I strolled down the stairs.

"Good morning, Sweetheart," Mom wished.

"Good morning," I said, grabbing the toast and eating it hurriedly.

"Eat slowly. There's alot time."

"I am getting Late, Mom. I need to go."

"Listen Bell, teen age girls sometimes can't decide what's right and what's wrong. I just recommend you to be a bit open with me if you feel like anything is wrong then," Mom muttered.

"Why are you telling me that?" I questioned.

"Not any specific reason. I am telling you because I think I should just tell you that you can talk to me about High school, career and friends," She said putting stress on the word friends.

"Mooom!" I exaggerated as I saw Jack strolling down the stairs "I am going now."

"Wait for Jack."

"I am waiting in the Car," I said, rushing out.

I got into the car and placed my bag at the side. I was tapping my foot and burrowed my face into my hand as I waited for Jack.

Finally he came.

He got into the car, fastening the seat belt.

"You are late," I groaned.

"I am on time. You came early," he defended.

I looked up at my wrist "It's late."

"From where you bought this amazing watch?" He chuckled.

"It's actually Ash--"

"What?" He scowled.

"N-Nothing. Now we will surely get late."

I quickly snapped my head in other direction completely ignoring Jack's question.
He stared at me with his brows drawn together for a while but then turned away. I sighed in relief.

Thank God. Control your tongue, Bella.

I desperately glanced outside, waiting for the car to reach my School.

As I reached, I jumped off the car even without waiting for Jack to open the door for me.

I ran towards the entrance, adjusting the strap of bag on my shoulder. But I managed to glance at Jack for once.

He trailed before me with his friends and also side kicks accompanying him.

I entered inside and saw Ash, Nick, Sam and Dylan talking about something with each other.

I checked on Jack but he wasn't behind me so I took steps towards them.

"Look I am telling you. We should be away from her," Dylan muttered without noticing me.

Ash saw me and opened his mouth to say something but I kept my index finger on lips signalling him to keep quiet.

"Why?" Sam questioned.

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