Chapter 18 - Maintaining a healthy distance

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I glanced at Nick who wasn't looking at me. He was actually glaring. His Hazel eyes studying me. I noticed a muscle in his jaw jump, his eyebrows drawn together in a frown. It was taking all his efforts to not to look jealous.

My cheeks were suddenly flushed pink like a spring rose, the blooming colour against my skin. I felt something different in my stomach. No, not acidity. Butterflies erupt in my stomach.

I looked away, giggling. Ash was still looking at his hand. His face which was few inches away from mine was shining brightly as the sunlight fell on him.

"Nick is jealous, very jealous," I exclaimed, in a mumbling voice "He is looking too good."

"My plans always works," Ash whispered.

"You are great."

"There's no doubt in it. Ok, I am moving back now," he responded.

I kept my hand on his and mumbled "Please few minutes more. I want Nick to say something."

"Enjoying my closeness already," he smirked.

Stop me from killing him.

I pushed my palm in his face and hushed him. Those blue eyes gazed me with an arched brow. A cocky smile was forming on his face.

Ash was not only stupid, silly, childish, dramatic, a little bit helpful and mad. He had a cocky side too for teasing me.

"What were you talking?" Nick asked, trying to be soft but with hint of jealous in his voice.

"Bella's pigs," Ash replied "Wanna join us?"

"Bella, you have pigs?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah, she has adopted two pigs," Ash answered.

"Oh! What are their names?"

"Rochi and Mochi."

How can someone lie so effortlessly?

I was dumbfounded. But it was better if I agree with what Ash was speaking.

"What's interesting in talking about pigs?" Dylan scowled.

"Everything is interesting, especially their big fatty nose," Ash responded.

"Why are you answering? Let Bella speak," Nick muttered.

"Ok" Ash said, placing his cheeks on his hand "Bella speak."

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know, ask Nicholas," Ash blurted.

"I don't have anything to ask. I was just telling let her speak," Nick spatted.

"I wasn't stopping her," Ash said, anger overpowering his voice.

"When did I said you were stopping her? She is quiet girl and don't like interrupting others when they speak so you should understand that and shut your mouth," Nick argued.

"Bella is quiet in front of you not me. I know her more than you," Ash debated.

"Ash, I wa--"

"Calm down, guys. You are fighting over silly things," I interrupted.

"Nicholas, she interrupted you," Ash said, smirking "Shit!"

"Why are you arguing, Ash?" I questioned.

"You are telling me. It was he who started," he defended.

"Shake hands and end this now," I ordered.

Nick offered his hand for a handshake but Ash was just glaring at him.

Then, a mischievous grin touched Ash's lips. He pretended to lick his hand and immediately shook Nick's hand.

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