Chapter 29 - You are genius

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I felt my lips purse and eyebrows drawn together in a scowl.

The one who raised their hands in my favor were Sam, Dylan, Nick, Ash and a girl whose name I don't know.

She had the type of face that would never age. It was rounder and her cheeks were chubby. Her cheekbones sat lower than my own, her olive skin melding into it, making her bone structure flat. She had a long feminine nose. Under her short forehead were eyes that shone brightly - making me want to get to know the person. She smiled at me, her perky pink lips shaping a gentle heart. It felt like I've seen her before.

"Since most of the students don't want to see Bella as monitor," Mrs. Smith muttered. "Emma will remain the class monitor."

I suppressed the smile that threatened to appear on my face.

I am so sad.

I obediently nodded and took my seat. I will talk with that girl once Mrs. Smith is out.


As soon as Mrs. Smith left the class after the bell rang. I walked out of my seat.

I have two things to do:-

1)Talk with the unknown girl.
2)Teach a good lesson to the annoying yet not annoying boy.

I am busy you know.

I walked towards that girl who was sitting in the middle row.

"Hey!" I greeted. "It's me, Bella."

She shifted her attention towards me, greeting me with a friendly smile. "Hello, I am Daisy."

"Can I ask you one thing?"

"You already did," she chuckled. "Ok, ask."

"I wanted to know why you supported me because we don't even know each other so.." I asked.

"I had an argument with Emma few days ago so I thought you can be better than her but unfortunately not everyone supported you," she explained.

"Fortunately, no one supported me. I didn't had interest in becoming the class monitor."

"That's good for you then."

"You seem really friendly."

"Thank you," she said "And so do you. I always see you guys from here."

"Me or the guys?" I questioned.

"Of course, the guys," she answered.

"Which one?"

"Each one of them."



I awkwardly smiled. At least she is honest.

"Hey, Can we sit together?" asked Daisy.

"So that you can see the guys closely?"

"You are genius," she giggled "just kidding. I want to change my seat."


"These girls beside me are-" she paused to look towards them "-bad. I don't swore otherwise I would've used a better word. I usually used to be close to Emma but after our argument, we aren't same anymore."

"Why you had an argument?"

"She became self-centered and I felt like our friendship was struggling to continue. She was the most friendly person before but now maybe as we changed with the time," she sighed "our priorities changed."

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