Chapter 5 - Can I buy Freedom?

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"Ms Walker, is this a restaurant? You are eating here while I am teaching" Mr. Shelby, our so-called Maths teacher yelled.

"S-Sir I was.. um..," I am bad at making excuses.

"Speak," he screamed which made a shiver run down my spine.

"Sorry," I apologized, holding back my tears. No one ever scolds me like this.

"Tell me the name of everyone who was involved in this."

I should be a good friend and shouldn't say their names. 

Nah, who made this rule in friendship? I will say their names. They were the ones who offered me the chips.

"I am asking you something," he scowled.

All four of them had an ear to ear grin on their face.

Not for too long, boys.

"Asher Cooper, Nicholas Adams, Dylan Evans and Samuel Watson were involved in this," I answered that made their grins disappear .

"Ms. Walker, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Adams, Mr. Evans and Mr. Watson, get out of my class. I only want those students who are interested in studying in my class, not like you," he ordered.

We all stood up but didn't go out of the class, instead pulled our cutest puppy face.

Maybe this would melt my dear teacher's heart.

"Why are you staring at my face? Get out," shouted Mr. Shelby.

He didn't melt even after seeing so many cute faces.

I can't say much about them but I am cute.

We slowly marched out of the class, our lips curved downwards in disappointment.

Just two days and already two teachers shouted at me. All thanks to these fools.

I looked at the floor in embarrassment.

"You are actually doing it," Sam blurted.

"Yes, we need to do it if by any chance he comes here and finds that we are not doing the punishment. Then?" I muttered.

"Then? Nothing," said Nick.

"How are you all so confident?" I questioned.

"We are experienced". Ash ran his hand into his hairs.

This was unexpectedly expected from them.

Ok, I can trust them.

I leaned against the wall and crossed my hand. "What type of treat do you all want?

"Pizza," screamed Ash with all his excitement.

"But we ate pizza yesterday, now pick something else," Sam muttered.

"If you don't want it then don't eat. I will eat yours," Ash again ran his hand in his blonde hair.

"Sam is right. We should eat something else today," Nick agreed with Sam.

"Yes I agree," Dylan agreed too.

"Bella is giving us a treat so she will decide," said Ash.

All eyes were on me.

Ash pleaded while the others shook their heads in denial.

"You are influencing her," Ash complained.

"No," They denied in unison.

Ash pushed his lower lip out and looked innocently at me.

"Aww.... we will definitely eat something else, not pizza," I retorted.

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