Chapter 36 - Satan

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"Uncle, I want to know each and everything about the murders," I said.

Uncle Richard, a Senior Investigating Officer Detective Inspector and my uncle stood in front of me.

The overall direction of the murder enquiries was hampered by the fact that the appointed head officer was on leave in Switzerland. Dad wanted someone trustworthy person to handle this case so he requested Uncle. I told him everything about those letters and what Daisy told me.

"I can't share these information with you, giggles," Uncle refused.

"I am involved in this. I have all rights to know about it," I defended.

"I know but rules are rules."

"Uncle, I beg you. Please... Please help me," I clasped my hand together and looked at him, my glassy eyes full of hopes.

"Ok, come to my house after attending the funeral," he agreed and walked away.

This was my first time attending a funeral. The front yard was filled with some people. My friends came there to give condolence, even Daisy. Stephen and James were present there too. Their eyes were red and puffy.

My Mom was crying on my Dad's shoulder, without caring about anyone. Dad's not so expressive. He barely laughs or cries. All that I could see was a man fighting his tears to look strong and consoling his wife.

Ash held my hand, gently stroking his thumb over my knuckles. I somehow felt it comforting. I don't know what would I do without him? This whole time, Fun-tastic four, especially Ash were a great support system.

People were chatting and chuckling in the background. The kids were stuffing their faces with the treats. I never felt this angry in my entire life. I gulped sharply, slowing down my breath.

I was a bad sister to my best brother. I wish I could tell him this.

I saved all the memories but I couldn't save him.

It is rightly said that Guilt is greater than gratitude.

The guilt was like gasoline in my guts. My insides died slowly in the toxicity, needing no more than a spark to set it ablaze. The fire burnt me out so badly and now I will burn the one who was the cause of this fire.


I followed Uncle Richard as he trailed towards a room.

Light flooded into the basement from the windows that crowned the room. My eyes were drawn downward towards the various documents piled up on the table. It was the sort of place that can give you anxiety just by seeing it.

"Are you sure you want to know about it?" asked Uncle Richard.

I nodded, observing the room.

He showed me few cryptic notes that are believed to be sent by the murder. They were accompanied by one feet of victims. I was so sad that I didn't notice that Jack's one leg was missing.

The cryptic notes said " I killed someone for the first time and it was so satisfying to see the boy suffering when I slashed his neck. I could've enjoyed more but the boy died earlier. Oh yes! I hope you are a police officer or something, I openly challenge you to catch me because I will be killing more."

"Hahaha... I never thought you are such a loser. I killed someone again. I used an axe this time to cut the body. I am tired, I need to think about another murder. Keep searching for me."

"This Victim was hard to kill and It was more enjoyable to do this time. I am not that cruel though I already informed my every victim about his death by sending something but he ignored it. Not my fault. Try harder to find me."

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