Chapter 26 - Crybaby

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I shifted awkwardly a bit away from Nick who was sitting beside me. He was supposed to sit beside Ash but because of that boy's ignore-Bella-at-any-cost mission, Nick is sharing the seat with me.

"If you are not comfortable then," Nick blurted "I can leave."

"No, it's completely fine," I assured.

He nodded, thinning his lips.

I put on my reading glasses. I love how they sit upon the bridge of my nose, the perfect ornament for this face.

I bite my lip, stealing a peek of Ash, whose eyes were observing the book. He let out a sleepy yawn escape his mouth.

"What about going somewhere today?" Nick said and pushed the glasses up on my nose.

"Where?" I asked.

"I don't know, you tell"


"Ok but Just you and me. We should spend some time alone to understand each other better," he muttered.

I nodded, curving my lips in a smile. In this way, our relationship can improve.

As the Bell rang, everyone made their way to the cafeteria for lunch time.

"You all go. I have some work to do," I murmured.


They agreed and headed towards the cafeteria. I took out the lunch box out of my bag and walked towards Ash.

"Ash," I spoke softly.

"What?" He asked.

"I cooked this-" I spoke.

"I told you I won't eat," He cut me off in between.

"If you won't eat it then I will shove the table down your throat. What do you mean by I won't eat? I even hurt my fingers while cutting the veggies. You need to eat and that's it."

"This was an apology?" He raised his brow.

"It was my way of apologizing," I replied.

"Good one but won't work on me."

"I apologized over dozen times. I never meant to hurt you. How can you even think that?" I blurted as my eyes began watering.

He chuckled dryly before his eyes turned serious. "You can never understand me. But it's not your fault because no one can."

"I will try to understand you. But don't be so cold towards me." I said.

Slowly a single tear rolled down my face. I brushed it away, very fast.

He walked up to me slowly and pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me. His chin rested on top of my head.

"I am.. sorry," I whispered.

"I forgive you," he responded. "Because I can't console a crybaby."

I playfully smacked his shoulder, pulling away from the hug.

"This is why you never had a girlfriend. You are so insensitive," I uttered.

"I never had a girlfriend because I am so perfect that I couldn't find my match," said Ash while posing like a model.

"I think you will marry yourself," I muttered.

"I wish I could."

"You are-"

"I am hungry!" He groaned loudly. "Where's my pizza?"

"Not here. We should go to the cafeteria and then we will have it," I suggested.

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