Chapter 12 - The Rivera's

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Jace's P

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Jace's P.O.V

I blink my eyes awake, letting the morning sun glare at me from the slightly open curtain. Taking in my surroundings my mind feels fuzzy and I enjoy the comfort of sleeping on a bed and not in a tent.

I feel the bed beside me dip slightly and then the arm that is wrapped around my torso is brought up to my chest.

I glance down and see Celeste's head on my shoulder and her arm draped over me. Her mouth is parted slightly and her eyes are closed. She snores lightly and her face glows bright.

I smile as I stare at her beauty while she hugs me through her sleep. My heart and mind knowing she is warming up to the idea of mates, even though she can't sense the bond as much as I can. I know that she feels what I feel, she somehow felt protective over me suddenly, even though she makes it clear she doesn't want to be my mate.

Deep down inside me I know she wants to be, something is blocking that feeling, the feeling of what mates should feel when they are near each other, with each other.

Last night she seems different, she came to me and cuddled up to me, guessing she had come out of her memory from where I left her to fall into.

I comforted her when she wants it and allow her to come to me when she needs it. That's what mates are for, that's what I'm here for. Us going on this journey to find Mrs Grant is all for her, for her to be happy and allow her to find herself and the secrets her father hasn't let her know of.

I don't care if she turns out to be some bloody unicorn, I want her by my side always.

I feel her move from on top of me. I check her face and see her eyes parting slightly before blinking themselves awake.

"Morning" I say with my morning voice, coughing the croakiness that is in my throat. Celeste sits up on her elbow, looking down at me with her bed hair. I smile at her innocent look.

"What time is it?" She asks, looking around the room for a sign of a clock. I am about to grab my phone when I realise that I don't have that on me.

"I have no idea. Did a memory come back?" I ask her, stroking a hair out from her face. She nods and tells me about it. How Henrietta had tried to kill her 19 years ago. Has she been searching for her all this time?

"Go get showered and changed and we'll go downstairs, see if Reece can offer us some breakfast" I say to her, my mind going to the thought of her leaving my embrace, but instead she lays back down in her spot, with her arm over my chest and her head on my shoulder. I tried my best not to gasp at her sudden affection.

"Hmmm that's a good idea, but I'm much more happy laying here" she mumbles into me, I smirk at her comment and choose that I might as well bask in the time that she is allowing me to comfort her.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer and lean my head on her own, kissing the top of her head every so often. All until she gets out from my embrace, going to the door on the other side of the room that leads to the bathroom and I hear the shower being turned on.

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