Chapter 26 - The Last Hour

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V
I manage to gather my thoughts, standing up from the bathroom floor and walking back into the bedroom. Seeing the time.


Where I start to pace around the room, my heart beating so hard that it drums in my ears. The corset that's tightly close to my body doesn't help my heart from also rattling against my rib cage. I hold my chest tightly trying to contain my heart to stay inside me. An hour to go and my final day is up.

I keep drawing tight breaths but none get through to my messed up brain. The past month has been a complete whirl of emotions and yet it's all come down to my final hour.

Every time my eyes glance at the clock on my vanity table it keeps appearing as the same time.


I know my mission is complete and in the next hour I will be Franks. Not in my heart though, my heart will always belong to Xander. Even after the fight and me telling him I don't want to see him, I know my heart is forever his. But I'll be Frank's in the sense of him blackmailing Xander's brothers children, all for me to not mate with Xander and for him to be king.

A thought crosses my mind that I am the queen and I can do what I please and no man can tell me what I can or can not do.

However, knowing that the children are yet again gone from my care, I knew he had something to do with it and I'll do anything for them knowing they mean so much to Xander.

My Xander.

My stomach churns around like a rollercoaster and I feel the sick rising in my throat. I couldn't bring my heart to tell him that I am leaving him but instead we have an argument, which in the end didn't make it easier or more harder. Apart from the cursing pain that flows through me while I think about him. I wonder if he is as heart broken as I feel. Does he feel the same way? Will my heart be like this for the rest of my life.

I pull at my beautiful dress to attempt and get some fresh air to my lung but I can not.

My eyes yet again glance at the clock and I can see the handle move.


My stomach bubbles with fear and heart break. The idea of fully leaving him for the man that he warned me about and that I promised Xander that I will not ever leave him, makes my chest ache.

Maybe I can phone him? Maybe I can tell him finally in my last hour of need what really happened? Maybe Frank might back away.

However, again there is the thought of the children, cold and scared not knowing what's going on and that forever will be on my conscience.

With my shaking hands I grab my phone from the table, clicking on contacts I scroll down to Xander's name. A photo of his face appears and I am about to click on dial.

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