Chapter 1 - Hard Times

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V

When someone you love, leaves you suddenly it takes time to process their existence is no longer next to you, for me that's my mother and father.

I sat in the front seat of the car, where once she would of sat, while my father's brother drove me away from the home town.

That was 3 days ago and day by day the pain goes away in little pieces like a five hundred jigsaw puzzle breaking away and putting into a box of memories, one day to be revisited when I'm old and grey.

I smile at the good times we three had together and the bad. My mother and father divorced when I was 5. My father got custody and we stayed in my family home in Alide while my mother moved back to her home town in Harlem, where my father grew up.

The day they died, was the day my father decided to bring my mother to see me for my 19th birthday.


Today is my birthday and I wait patiently for my father to return home with my mother who travelled all the way from Harlem to see me. I'm her daughter of course she would come visit.

I wait down stairs in the kitchen, the whole living room area decorated with bunting and a million balloons all for me. However, as I watch the clock go round as it hangs up on the wall. It slowly got later and later.

At one point I thought that my father would never return home but that thought cleared my mind quicker than it came.

Now the stars are scattered like glitter in the night sky and it's no longer my birthday.

That's when I hear the door knock, I jolt out my seat and run to the door with the biggest smile on my face. Ready to open the door and see the most valuable people in my life.

Although when I swing the door open, two men in police uniform look at me as if they have seen a ghost. They take off their hats and look at me with a light smile.

"Miss Jackson, we have some bad news" one of them with brown eyes and blonde hair says sweetly. My hands begin to shake and I gulp deeply before letting them into my home.

The next few words they say make my whole life change.

"Your mother and father died in a car accident"

-flashback over-

They never made it out of Harlem, the crash was so bad and the car was so crushed that they couldn't save them, they died instantly.

Now as I can't financially support myself, my father's brother, Thomas and his wife are taking me into their home. It's not all bad, I won't be alone as Thomas has a daughter, my best friend and cousin Mireya.

We always keep in touch and she tells me everything. So when she found out her family was taking me in she was over the moon, although also upset and grieving for my parents.

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