Chapter 29 - Save Your Words

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-9 Months Later -Celeste's P

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-9 Months Later -
Celeste's P.O.V

My stomach protrudes out from my body. My hair sticks to my face from the amount I am sweating and my back is placed on the soft mattress of our bed, in our bedroom. Pain erupts through my stomach, an agonising pain due to the contractions that have started an hour ago and all I can wish is for it to end.

"AHHHHHHH" I scream, my head thrown back while I push and I see my mother next to me holding my hand securely. Her sparkling mothering eyes gleam at me and her smile makes me feel warm inside.

"Almost there darling, keep going" she coxes me, kissing the back of my hand while holding it tighter. I couldn't smile as pain rips through me again.

"Ughhhhhh it hurts!!!" I scream, tears fall down the corner of my eyes. The midwife down at my nether region holding my legs apart while a child's head is forcing its way out from me.

"Well done Celeste, the head is coming" the midwife calls out from me. I turn my tear stained face to Xander who has a scrunched up face and his eyes are glistening to me.

"Celeste you're doing so well!" Xander whispers into my ear, his lips kiss my sweaty forehead, while I cry heavily at the pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" I scream, holding my mother and Xander's hand as I arch my back and push with my gut to get the god damn thing out.

"That's it!" The midwife called and suddenly we now hear the screams of a crying child. Relief feeling flows through out my body made me flop down on the mattress, breathing heavily to gain the blood to retain back to my mind, making me feel more present in the room.

"It's a girl!" The midwife calls, looking at us and I show a large smile. Hearing my baby girl cry her lungs out, they echo around the room, my heart fills with joy.

"A girl!" I say, looking to my mother who smiles and then the Xander who I see has a pale face but has a small smile, kissing my hand.

"It's a girl" he whispers, his eyes start to glisten with tears. I grab his cheek in my hand and rub my thumb over his face. Exhaustion comes over me and I feel my eyes feel heavy.

"Come on you! Sit up we can let you hold your baby" my mother tells me as her and Xander helps me sit up on the bed and allow a pillow placed behind me, to hold me up.

The midwife brings over my baby, wrapped in a cream cloth blanket, that has green leaves over it. She places her down in my open arms and I look down at my eye closed, red faced beautiful girl. My eyes glisten with tears, I delicately hold one of her hands and kiss the tips of her tiny fingers.

"I'm going to love you endlessly" I feel tears fall down my face. My heart beats faster, my eyes not being able to take them off from her small face.

"She's gorgeous" Xander says to me, holding her other hand softly. I stare at his gorgeous piercing blue eyes and he too stares at me. I smile at him as wide as I can.

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