Chapter 18 - Trapped Soul

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V

We make our way back out the room from our heated make out session. My cheeks looking rather red and my face not hiding anything away. Even Mireya smirks at me.

She walks up to me and I leave Xander to join his brothers.

"How are you feeling! You like died and resurrected" Mireya says dramatically, I snuffle a laugh and shake my head.

"I'm the next queen" I tell her breathlessly, her eyes widen and grab my shoulders jumping up and down in excitement. I myself couldn't deny the feeling of goosebumps on my arms.

"Oh my god Celeste! You are queen!" Mireya screams, I hush her down as everyone stares my way. I blush at her over excitement.

"Yes but what about Xander and Harlem. I can't leave him" I say to her, my eyes lace with tears. What will happen, will he stay here with me? Or will he go and be king at Harlem?

"Oh Celeste" Mireya catches on to my predicament. My mind now rattling around at the many thoughts that has been thrown at me. My mind thinks of Xander and his title at Harlem and then to my brother who I want to get to know. Then what about my mother who is lying in the floor unconscious.

"I think she is waking up?" Ritchie calls us over. I rush over to her and kneel on the floor next to her. The stake that was in her heart is now beside her and covered in her blood.

I see her chest start to heave up and down, that's when step Mother removes her ring that is cursed. She looks in pain as she does so although she smiles at me when she gives Travis it.

"Are you in pain?" I ask her, she shakes her head. Holding my unconscious mothers hand in her own.

"The powerful ring makes anyone who touches it painful to remove. It only hurt for a second because the curse is broken but it's still there. I'll have to have it destroyed" my mother explains, I nod my head. Intrigued by all that I'm learning.

I hear Henrietta gasp a breath of air and her eyes open widely. Although as soon as she does, she starts to scream.

"NOOOO!!!!!!!" She screams, my mother instructs us all to hold her to the floor. My brother holds Henrietta's hand in his own.

"Mum, mum is okay" he tries to talk to her. She turns to me and instantly starts to cry.

"What happened! How long has it been! How long have I been trapped!!" She cries, the cries auditable through out the room.

"Mum...." I say, feeling myself get emotional suddenly. The woman who is hurt and been trapped never even got to know her own daughter and be with her mate. Her face looks to me yet again and I feel the tears fall down my face.

"This can't be, you can't be my Elphina" she chokes on her tears, I almost wanted to lie to keep her mind at peace. But I know she is about to deteriorate. I slowly nod my head and I see her groan in pain.

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