Chapter 15 - Track Me

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Xander's outfit                             Celeste's outfit

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Xander's outfit                             Celeste's outfit

Xander's outfit                             Celeste's outfit

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Celeste's P.O.V

I ignore the on going voices from the woman down the stairs as they eye me up and call to me all matter of comments.

However, my eyes stay on Xander's, his face a complete picture, his mouth wide open and his eyes a dark crimson red. My vision only seeing him, like the rest of the world has went hazy and my only sight is him.

I see him step forward and I too step down the steps of the stairs, with out trying to trip on my dress in my gorgeous heels that Mireya choose for me.

Xander smiles, holding out a offering hand to me, my eyes not leaving his as I place my own delicately into his

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Xander smiles, holding out a offering hand to me, my eyes not leaving his as I place my own delicately into his. He pulls me close to him on the veranda part of the stairs and I lay my hand on his chest.

"You look exquisite" he tells me, his forehead leaning onto mine and our noses near touching. I smile at him, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks as he looks at me with admiration.

"And you look dashing" I smirk at him, he chuckles to himself. He lifts his head kissing my forehead and his hand holding my chin.

"You look like a queen" he tells me, I feel myself elevating, not physically but emotionally, is this how I should feel? I feel with every bone in my body, the power and high standard I should be for queen.

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