Chapter 4 - Repeat and Rewind

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Celeste's  P

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Celeste's  P.O.V

I tumble out the car holding onto Mireya as she attempts to hold me up while she brings me into the house, her mate hot on my tail to help with my dress. Looking down to my hands which start to glow even brighter than they were at the ball.

What is to me happening?

Are these my 'powers'?

That's when I feel the wave of warmth from my toes to my head all through my whole body, like fire has just been blazed onto me. It's an intense feeling at first and I nearly choke on the pain I feel but then it dies down to a nice fuzzy feeling, it's like cuddling my mother again. My mind felt blank but I hear a screaming pain inside my head, like my own voice couldn't be heard so instead I scream on the inside.

"Celeste..." Mireya begins but gets side tracked she starts talking but I can only see her lips moving. That's when the images start flashing across my mind and I feel my knees give way making me fall to the floor just as I take a step into the house.

"You must kill your daughter and wife Richard, it is the law" the man standing up at a  golden throne says, my father holding a baby in his arms, on his knees down at the mans feet.

"I will not! My daughter is pure witch and nothing more!" My father argues at the amount of people looking down and around him. My father looks down to me and starts to cry.

"We both know she will go through the changes one day" the man standing at the throne said, to far away to recognise his face.

"Richard look after her please. They can't find her, not yet. Please do anything! Save her! I love you darling" my memories flip to a gorgeous forest. A beautiful tall blonde haired woman says to my father he kisses her sweetly. Who is she?

"I'm sorry my sweet I have too" my images flip to seeing my father shooting the woman who looks equally as upset as my father, she falls back and lands on the woodland floor.

"You see, I can take away her powers she will live normally, until her mate is found" some hushed voice woman says. My father nods his head.

My heart physically stops and I come out of my thoughts. What does this mean? My eyes are wide, my heart pounding against my chest feeling warm inside. The images of my father makes a tear sting in my eye. But who is this woman?

"Find Miss Grant my dear she'll know what to do!"

I hear the woman say from my thoughts but are they thoughts? My mind shows them like memories. I need to find this woman she clearly knows my past as well as my fathers, if these are memories. I open my eyes and look ahead from me to Mireya who looks like she is scared, she stands clutching her mate crying.

"I-I...I'm a witch. I saw my father, he was scared, said something about The law? This woman? He killed her..." I trail off, my eyes glancing at the floor while I replay the images inside my head. Mireya looks at me astonished at what just came out my mouth like she thought I am crazy.

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