Chapter 28 - Soul Bound

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V
My heart bounds against my chest, making echoes surround my eardrums out of excitement and love.

Mireya stares at me while she does my make up and my mother works on my hair. Aunt Sandy makes sure that I am well fed and also am hydrated.

"You need to eat, its not just you now its you and that baby" Sandy reminds me, I palm my large stomach as so while she reminds me of the being inside me.

Curtesy of Polly the witch doing as a payment for offering Xander the information she knows off.

I neither angry or upset by the news, in fact I am pleasantly happy with the outcome.

Franks face was a picture when he knew he couldn't take me away from Xander and that alone will live rent free in my head.

Since what happened with the whole Frank situation, I've come to terms with being pregnant and also am happy with the idea.

Xander and I have come closer then before and he even proposed.


"Come on!" Xander calls out to me while he pulls me down the hill from the back garden of the castle. I hold my small stomach and groan at him. He pulls me out of bed at 5 in the morning and tells me he wants to watch the sunset.

"I could be in bed, but instead I'm awake out in the garden!" I complain, he turns to me and raises his eyebrows.

"Trust me" He simply says to me, I huff and continue to follow behind him. He looks back behind me every so often and a wide smile on his face.

I dig into his mind to see what he's thinking about, although all I can see is his thoughts about how beautiful I am and to that I start to blush.

We walk down to a pond, flowers scattered around the water edge and I eyes the beauty before me. Swans swim across the lake, the sunrise in the distance.

Xander places out a picnic blanket that he brought with us and places down the picnic basket. He takes a seat and I stare at him, wondering what he is up to.

"Well come on, sit down" he smiles at me, his eyes wide and holding his arms out. I take a seat, my eyes staring at his face while he looks out at the lake. The river which separates the castle between us and to the main island.

"Why have you brought me down here?" I ask him, he turns to the basket and puts his hand in, pulling out some strawberries, two glasses and a flask. My nose flares up when I smell the blood in the flask. I lick my lips.

"I thought we should have a proper picnic, seen as we never could before" Xander tells me, I blush thinking of how cute he is being.

"I'm not cute" he tells me, his blue eyes looking into my own before looking to my lips.

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