Chapter 5 - Talking To You, To Me

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V
My heart has never been beating so hard against my chest by the one thought on my mind. The thought of my mate chasing me like a vulture wanting it's dead meat, all around the village, makes me both scared and suspicious. Would he actually want me dead?

A conversation whirls around my head of what I will say to the man when he finally finds me.

"Sorry love I don't want you?"

"My mate? HA! Don't make me laugh"

Although every conversation I have in my head doesn't sound so great. I mean he may not even want me either? Or he may even have a wife or kids. Maybe he is a murderer?

"Hey dear, here is some breakfast for you and the application for your university" Aunty Sandy says placing my bowl of cereal on the table and a piece of paper which is my application. Mireya is now constantly on her phone to her new mate. Smiling every so often at the glowing screen. Uncle Thomas is happy for his daughter although wasn't when Theo said for Mireya to move in with him last night. Although auntie Sandy calmed him down.

I thank her and continue to my thoughts of what this man will look like. Maybe like Edward from twilight? Or Stefan from The Vampire diaries? God, I sound insane. I watch too many series. I look to Sandy as she reads my mind and has a little chuckle to herself. At least someone finds it funny.

One thought that has whirled in my mind is the law. Uncle Thomas said something about the law and how after him and Father where born a law is set in so that we can only mate with people from our own kind. If this Xander really is my mate then will he kill me because of the law. However, I feel nothing more than a witch to more of a human?

"Everything will be fine Celeste, if he really cared which with the representation that Xander has for himself then he won't come" Mireya says to me, maybe if she told me that the first day I came I would like to hear this but why does that hurt so much. He doesn't want to come? Something inside me twists, the dreading thought of him not wanting to see me all because of his reputation.

I shake my head, good. Fine by me. I don't want him anyways. He can stay where he is for all I care. Gulping down my thoughts I work my way through my application for university because I am exchanging from where I used to live they are allowing me to re-apply for my courses in law. Following in the footsteps of my father. He has his own law firm, or he had.

We sat around in silence, not really knowing what to say or do. Auntie Sandy however, made a huge fuss about if Mister Moreno is coming round, then the house better be sparkling, so she starts to clean up the house and keeps looking out the window in case they are outside.

"Sandy please sit down, you're making me dizzy" Uncle Thomas says to his wife, kissing her on the cheek before he makes his way to his office in the basement of the house.

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