Chapter 23 - A Day Of Happiness

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V

With a gleaming smile on our faces, knowing what we did in the office makes us feel like two school kids who's just fucked in the broom closet. This comes second to that.

Xander holds my hand securely in his own. Walking back down the hallways and finally down to the party. Where he releases my hand. I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Jareth is looking" he whispers to me. I turn around and see my brother charging his way down to me. His face looking contorted like he has seen something so forbidden.

"YOU! You are not allowed to be here" he yells in hushed tones only everting a few eyes from the crowd to glance our way. Xander opens his mouth to speak but I but instead.

"I hope you understand that he will be future king whether he is seen with me or not!" I growl, his face softens and looks to the floor. Xander rubs my shoulder soothingly.

"Everyone's looking Celeste, it's okay, I'll leave. I promise to come back soon" Xander tells me, I turn to him and suddenly my face falls.

"It's fine. Actually this is a good time to show you my surprise" Jareth tells me, I look at him with confusion. He links my arm with his own forcing me to walk away from Xander and motions for him to come with.

He manoeuvres me to the middle of the room, grabbing everyone's attention. I look around the room and land my eyes on Xander who blends in with the crowd.

"Attention! I have a present for our queen. She has asked me to retrieve something for her" Jareth tells the crowd. I widen my eyes and my face falls. Has my prayer been answered?

"I'd like to introduce you to Celeste's foster children. Amber and Denis Jackson" with that as Jareth calls the children's names that I myself have just found out now. They both come into the room. Amber the older daughter who looks around 4 years old is holding a maids hand who leads her in and the maid holds the baby Denis, who looks around 2 years old. They comes close to me and I couldn't believe my eyes. They are safe.

My eyes glance at Xander and I see his eyes fixated on the children. Maybe I can now announce my mate as king now that they are here with me.

"Don't fucking try it Celeste. 2 more days to come to me, just because the kids are safe doesn't stop me from hurting your precious Xander" I hear Frank say in my mind. Having no idea how he managed to get into my head. I try to act as if he isn't effecting me. His threats can't hurt me anymore, he's scared of Xander I know how is.

The children eye at me in awe and I notice it's been a few moments that no one has spoken. I feel the tears fall from me eyes. Rushing towards them and gathering both of them in my arms. Denis leans his head on my shoulder and the maid allows me to take Ambers hand.

"Thank you Brother....." I sob, holding the children close to me. I look to Xander and send him a large smile.

"And with that I conclude the ball! Please stay and dance as for the queen and myself, I bid you all good night!" Jareth tells the room, they all disperse from looking at me. Jareth then comes to me motioning for me to leave the room. I look to Xander and nod my head towards the door that we are exiting and he follows far behind.

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