Chapter 3 - We Belong Together

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-Hours before the ball-

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-Hours before the ball-

Jace's P.O.V

"I'm telling you Dad, I'm not finding my mate" I try and convince my annoying father, this is the 22nd year he has tried to get me to attend the ball, I went last year but I hid in the library for the whole thing.

"Xander please! for your mother!" He explains to me as he chases me through the ballroom that later tonight will be used for the mating ball. I huff and stop in my place, turning around in my place to see my father looking at me with his red eyes. Meaning he is angry.

"One don't call me Xander and fine, I'll go!" I say before storming off out of the ballroom and grabbing my coat from one of the butlers. Placing it on, I jog down the front stairs of the castle and too my car just sitting outside. A red jaguar, my baby.

Jumping in I turn on my engine and hear it roar in my ears, sometimes I don't like using my vampire speed to go everywhere so I go in the car.

Where I am going however, is something that my father will be very disappointed in.

- the whole drive later-

"Back again Jace" the local weirdo witch says to me in her slow meaning voice. She's neither old nor young, just ugly. I enter her little hut in the middle of the woods. Her cabin full of floating potions and bottles and in the corner of the room is a bed with shaggy blankets on it and then the other side is a brewing station with a table and chairs. The only light in the room is a candle in the corner.

"You know why I'm here" I say, looking at her with my red eyes, if she doesn't give me what I want I'm sure there are other ways to get it.

"Ahh- yes- the potion" She says, twirling around in her spot, her hand up to the side of her like its permanently stuck there. Her skirt flows on the ground as she looks up at the floating potions in the room, looking for the one I want. She grabs it like a ball in the air and holds it in her hands like it is so precious.

"Payment?" she asks me, showing her black teeth and black like eyes like a demon. I huff and grab out a ring from my middle finger, one that is in our precious jewellery collection. She eyes it up carefully and I hand her it.

"Payment done" She says, with a wide sadistic smile. She hands me the bottle with the blue liquid in it. I smile swirling it around in the bottle.

"Now remember, this potion will stop you from sensing your mate, and only lasts for 5 hours but it won't stop her from sensing you" She says to me, while backing away into the darkness of the room. I roll my eyes, I've been taking this potion for years and years, I'm sure I know how it works.

Leaving the hut fully satisfied with my purchase, I take the potion with me into the car and speed back home.

Running up the stairs I clamber into my room and go for a shower, my only thought is what always goes on in my mind when there is a mating ball going on. I do not want to find my mate. I know that must seem to cliché but having one person depend on you as much as you depend on them seems so weak. People have told me it makes you strong but when your mate dies that's it you die too.

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