Chapter 13 - The Eyes of the Law

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V
I felt like we are prancing down the path to Mrs Grants, a skip in my step as my heart glows inside me and my smile wide.

Thoughts run in my mind of the conversation I will be having with her, how will it plan out. What does her house look like? What does she look like?

I hold, Xander's hand securely during this happy time, although I didn't have a second thought to not hold his hand. It seems normal now. I watch Xander every so often turn to me and give me a smile.

All around us we watch as animals of all kinds pass us by in our path and we point them out every so often as we see them.

"Look a rabbit" Xander says as he kneels down to the ground, I do too going to his level and see the gathering of rabbits. White, brown, black ones all out looking for food in the forest.

"That ones got red eyes" I say looking at one of the brown rabbits as his beeding red eyes look around the forest cautiously. The tiny rabbit looks around on his high legs, looking at us dead in the eyes before scurrying off with fear, the rest of them all joining him.

 The tiny rabbit looks around on his high legs, looking at us dead in the eyes before scurrying off with fear, the rest of them all joining him

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"So cute" I say, watching them depart from our sight and to their little burrow in the hill.

Xander pulls me along as we look around for more animals but no longer could see any. I turn to look into the woods feeling like I could hear the clattering of metal. I shake my head thinking my mind is playing tricks on me.

I look again and that's when I see a person running towards us in the distance. I squeeze Xander's hand, stopping dead in my place.

"HERE! We have found them!!" The man screams, his metal armour clattering as he continues to run at us with full speed.

My mind set in panic, who are these men? Has Henrietta found us?

I turn to Xander who is as equally as scared, he is quick grabbing my waist before using his own speed to practically fly us across the forest with his vampire powers.

He stops, pushing my back against a large tree. I feel the thump on my back as I come in contact with the tree, making me feel breathless for a second although my breathing grows as the panic and adrenaline sets in.

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