Chapter 2 - Lets Get Loud

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V

I stand in the dark cold room, 4 concrete walls surround me and no sight of the outside world seeping in, the only sound is my heartbeat and the constant dripping in the corner of the room from the leaky pipe.

Drip, Drip, Drip.

This constant noise against the concrete flooring of the dark room and with my heart beating, I should have the feeling of comfort, maybe even the feeling of wanting to fall asleep from the sound.

All I see however is the dark red eyes of the mysterious man from the car.

"Hello Princess" His husky low voice that echoes the already slightly silent room says. His voice alone making me suck in a harsh breath as I see his eyes become bigger and bigger, as he drew closer and closer and closer...

I flutter open my eyes, my mind on the thought of the red eyed man, who is he?

I allow the sun to come into my vision from my half decorated room. That's when I jolt awake, looking round myself and the room, wondering how I got here. The smell of bacon loomed the air and my mind told me to go to it. Although I don't remember coming home?

Getting up from my bed, I see that I have the same clothes on. Did I not change? I head for my bathroom where I can take a quick shower. I put on a clean pair of clothes before walking down to the kitchen.

"Something smells amazing" I say, when I see my cousin and uncle all sitting around the kitchen island, Auntie Sandy standing over the kitchen stove making the rest of the breakfast.

"Hi Dear, come and sit down" She says in her sweet, welcoming voice. I walk over and take a seat next to Mireya, who looks like is having a hangover.

"I have a question, how did we get back?" I ask the family, they all look at each other before they look back to me.

"One of my pack members, my beta, heard you scream and knew my daughter was with you so he brought you home in the car" Uncle Thomas explains, maybe the beta was the man I saw with the red eyes, but why do I fear them so much? Maybe I should ask Thomas.

"Does he have red eyes?" I ask him, Richard almost drops his toast in his hand when I ask this. He shakes his head very slowly.

"His wolf shows green eyes, not red, why?" he wonders, I shrug my shoulder, feeling silly for asking, maybe it was only my imagination.

"Is that why you screamed?" Sandy says placing a bacon butty (Bacon in a roll for our foreign readers) on a plate in front of me. I nod my head, might as well find out what that person was.

"I wouldn't worry, probably some kids playing about" Uncle Thomas tries to reassure me, I agree, maybe it was just some kids.

"Mireya, sit up and get some paracetamol in you" Auntie Sandy says as she looks disappointedly at her daughter who has the bad case of a hangover.

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