Chapter 14 - In This Together

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V

I step back and hit into something hard, thinking it is Xander, I turn to him and close my eyes holding his body close to me, my eyes not believing she is lying dead before me.

"Finally we found you" I feel the chest I'm leaning on rumble as the man speaks. My whole body stiffens as I realise the person I'm leaning on is not Xander. I raise my head up to the man and see his un handsome smirk down at me with a bitter look on his face.

"You are coming with me" he says, grabbing my upper arms, not leaving me time to react, he drags me away from Betty lying on the kitchen. And back to the living room where Xander is being held by another two men. A stake in both their hands. I gulp as I look around the room. A man who looks like the head guard, looks to the two of us with excited eyes. The men in the room all in chain male armour.

"Finally it's good to see you Celeste, Xander" he bows his head at us. I gulp as I try and wriggle out of the mans arms to get away.

"Hello Fred, how are you?" Xander asks the guard, clearly recognising him.

"I'm fine, Your mother has missed you terribly Xander" the guard says to Xander who has tearful eyes and a tear stained face.

"Do not address him" I say to the guard, my nose flaring up and my eyes drawing him daggers. I feel them dilate and my teeth extract, feeling the anger rise throughout my body.

"I'd address the Prince as he should be, you two are to be returned back to Harlem. Your father requests it" the top guard commands. I look to Xander knowing that our travels are now at a dead end.

"Let us go and we will come quietly" Xander says, trying to wriggle out of the guards arms. The head guard nods his head with a high smirk. The guards lets us go and I am quick to walk up to Xander holding his hand as he holds his on my waist.

"Do not worry lovers, we'll get you home safe" he smiles at us, his evil red eyes glaring down at us. I look down, hating the way he looks at us.

"So Henrietta doesn't want Celeste?" Xander asks him, knowing he is part of the queens guards.

"This will be discussed at the castle" the guard says, smiling at me with devil eyes before walking out the room, but I stop him.

"Why did you have to kill Betty?" I say as the head guards turns on his feet. I see his shoulder tense then relax.

"Betty knew to much" they said, I gulp down the added saliva in my throat. Tears in my eyes for the poor woman who died for us, who gave us comfort and hospitality.

"Then you are a foul bastard, killing an old woman!" I say under my breath. The man doesn't even take a thought about my comment and that angered me more.

Guards behind us push us forward, we collect our things before we are fully pushed out of the living room of the tiny house. We are then escorted outside and to a large limousine at the side of the road.

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