Chapter 16 - I Need A Hero

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V

"She will understand when she is older!" My mind floats to a scene, one I have seen before. My mother sitting at the dinner table and my father laying out the plates of food ready for us to eat.

"Understand, you took her away from the one place that is full of all life and wonder. She will find a mate one day and will know nothing of the feeling towards him" I see my mother argue with my father. She looks tired, holding her hand on her head.

"I know and I only hope we are there when Henrietta finally dies to take her back to Harlem and explain all of this" I see the pain crossing his face, he is clearly saddened to do this to me.

"Mummy?" I look to the corner of the room and see my child like self standing so innocent and looking at my mother with doll like eyes.

"Yes my darling?" My mother asks me. Her face holding a smile and only now I can see it is fake.

"Who's Henrietta?" My child self asks, I gaze at her as I can't even remember asking my mother that question. I turn to my father who has wide eyes. My mother looking to him before standing to her feet and rushing to me, kneeling down to my level.

"Darling, she- she is someone very important in our lives, someone who we believed to be a friend but now....." my mother is interrupted by my father.

"Stop! We do not mention that woman's name in this house. Do I make myself clear Celeste? Don't ask about her again" my father point his finger to me. My child self has glass eyes as she leans more to my mother.

"Richard, she's only a kid" my mother argues with him.

"And I'll protect my child even if that means with some discipline" my father tells me. I feel tears in my own eyes, looking down at my child self, she looks so innocent and unaware of the world I have now end up in.

"Come and eat your dinner, after we will have some ice cream" my mother tells me with a joyful smile on her face and I enjoy watching myself smile with awe at my mother.



"God Celeste get up" someone shouts my name and I slowly open up my eyes. Glancing around the dark room, all I can smell is a prominent stench of dampness and mould.

I sit up from the hard bed that I'm laying on, seeing that I am still very much in my dress although it gives me warmth in the cold room.

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