Chapter 24 - My Heart Burns For You

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V
I open my eyes slowly, instant pain comes from the back of my head and I raise my hand to the spot. I take a glance around me and see that my arm has a needle in it and that needle is attached to a blood bag on a peg to the side of me.

I sit up and take a closer look around me, seeing that Xander is sitting in the chair beside the bed. His eyes closed and his head leaning on the back of the chair. His whole posture slumped and looks exhausted.

"Xander" I say, reaching out my hand to grab his own. Although I stop myself, thinking that he is probably tired.

That's when I think about how long have I been sleep for? I look to my other side of the bed and grab my phone seeing the date and time. It's 6 o,clock. The next day.

"No, no, no, no NO!" I yells, my mind panics and my head starts to spin again. I pull out the needle from my arm, hissing as I do so, flipping my bed sheet of my I stand on my feet. Pacing around the room and stroking my hair out of fear.

Only a few hours left until I have to go to Frank. Well I conclude that he'll have to take me kicking and screaming.

I turn to the door and see it open, Jareth walks in and rushes to me.

"Celeste you're awake!" He says rather enthusiastically. He takes my arm and walks me back to the bed. My mind in a panic so much I didn't know what to say.

"W-what happened" I manage to say to him through short breath. He helps me back into the bed placing the cover back over me. He glanced at Xander and then back to me.

"I came rushing to you when one of the guards said you seemed to be in a rush. Then when I came in here I saw you fall and I couldn't get to you in time before you blacked yourself out" he explains to me. My eyes widen, I grab my forehead into my hands, tears gather in my eyes. Not because of how stupid I am to black myself out but because I have less then 24 hours to tell Xander I'm leaving him, that's if he has found the children.

"He's been here all night. Since I phoned him and told him what happened he returned after searching for the kids. No luck though" Jareth tells me, more tears fall down my face.

How can I possibly do it. The kids have been taken from me all the while I thought my prayers have been answered by them being safe. Me and Xander can complete the ritual and Frank can get away from me. Now, now that plans all over. That's if the kids get found at the last moment.

"Celeste what is the matter?" Jareth asks me, grabbing my hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb. Tears stream down my face, I've wasted a day all because of my clumsiness.

"I'm fine, I just need some time alone" I ask him politely, although my tear stained face says otherwise. He removes his hand and soon enough I hear him leave the room.

I sob quietly while Xander sleeps in the chair beside my bed. Something I did back when I found out my mother and father died. I didn't have anyone with my to let me know it will all be okay. It was just me, alone. Alone to sort out the funeral, alone to figure out the will and my fathers law business. Alone to bask in the pain.

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