Chapter 6 - Join The Hunt

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Celeste's P.O.V

Today is Mireya and I's first day at the Harlem Napier University. My excitement for this is an understatement. I know my father would be proud of me. He to went to Harlem before we moved as a kid and I do remember him telling me all about it, so I am excited to be in his shoes for once and see it for myself.

Mireya scrambles around the kitchen, excited for her second year there. I'm going into my second year as I transferred from my old university to a this one so nothing has changed for me.

As for the past two weeks after Moreno and I's talk, I haven't seen or heard from him. Sandy and Thomas understood why I rejected him. For one he is a vampire and two I am a witch, even without powers. So I'll have to kill him or he will have to kill me due to the law. So it's a win lose situation.

I have seen Moreno on the news with his family, as the head of the town and Uncle Thomas being Alpha, the Moreno family is all we talk about in this house, although sometimes they notice it hurts me, although I'm not to sure why.

"It's the mate bond, it's growing thinner" Theo said to me one day when he came round to hang out with the family. I try and understand this invisible bond between us could exist but I really can't, it's a lot of nonsense.

So I try and focus on going to school and getting where I want to be in my life, who knows maybe find someone who is my own kind and get married?

"Right lets go before Theo kills me" I hear Mireya says from the living room. I laugh and place my bag over my back and grabbing my coat putting it over my arm. Mireya comes running over stuffing her notes in her hand bag and looking flustered.

"Theo's outside" Mireya says while looking at herself in the mirror. I eye her up carefully and see she is wearing a pin skirt with knee high heeled boots and a white shirt.

"Are you dressed up for Theo?" I look to her with an open mouth, she looks to me with wide eyes and then starts to blush. I burst out laughing and Mireya hits me.

"Gives him something to look at" She winks at me and I push her out of the door. What a flirt but she is right Theo eyes her carefully and I think he is drooling.

We get into his bright blue sports car, I sit in the back and Mireya in the front. She kisses his cheek when she jumps in.

"Please keep it PG in the car. Third wheel back here" I say, placing my back pack in the seat next to me. Looking at Mireya who scowls at me, I stick my tongue out at her.

I look out the car window as Theo starts to drive, looking at boys and girls together or some girls together. That's when I saw him, Moreno, or Jace he has so many names, chatting to a group of girls, his arm over one of the brown haired girls. I couldn't help but stare intently. I see him glance as if he knew I am staring at him. His blue eyes shine as they look to me, his eyes change to red and that's when I look away, wanting to not go back on our deal but why does it hurt so much that he is with someone else, his hand around her.

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