Chapter 20 - Late Night Starlight's

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Celeste's P

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Celeste's P.O.V

I leave Alice as she commands me to return back to the tea room. I much agree, not really wanting to stay out in the corridors and rather wanting to be comforted by Xander, just to keep my mind at ease.

To ask him there and then for us to leave this town and be together by our self like when we were out in the forest, sleeping in a flimsy tent and running from everyone. The world then seemed happier, just the two of us.

My plans simple, me and Xander will leave. Go away somewhere for a holiday. So we can complete this ritual and get to know him. Frank won't expect that.

"Little Jackson queen is alone in the hallway" I turn on my spot and that's when I realise I've gone the wrong way or have I passed it? All the halls are starting to seem so similar now.

I turn to the voice and see Frank leaning against the wall of the hall way and his hands in his pockets. I see his smirking face and I feel sick from his cold stares and his glowing red eyes. I step back in fear, fear of what he may do and his mothers warning to me looms over my head like a black cloud. 

"Do not fear me, I'm not what everyone thinks" I hear him say to me. I give him a polite smile and try to walk away backwards.

"I'm sure you are more than a satisfactory person" I lie out of my back side. Actually not caring in one bit about what type of person he is, not that I want to stick around to find out.

"I'd like to have a talk" he says before his vampire speed causes me to be pushed against the wall. I lose my breath but in a fearful way and his looming body looks down at me. My eyes wide as I eye his creepy smiling face.

"Queen Elphina, I sense your fear and I believe that's because you understand my little curse like nature and you know that I seem very attracted to you" Frank says, his hand reaching up to my face and strokes it with the back of his hand but I look away. I briefly look at him from the side and see his face become sour at my little action. His hand grabs my chin and forces my face to him. I gasp in fear.

"For a Queen you seem so fragile" he smirks at me.

"I do know about you and I will not let you come between me and Xander because you are the one who killed your own mate!" I spit at him, his face looks at me with even more bitterness and I try my hardest not to fear him.

His hand grabs my face hard and my eyes start to water when his other one grips my upper arm rather harshly.

"Listen here you! This curse will not go away! And now your part of it!" He begins to say but with my powers I force him to the wall, not allowing his high ass ruin my life.

"And you listen to me! I don't give a shit about your horrid curse or your sudden attraction to me but I don't like you one little bit and my life will always be with Xander" I say to him, dominance from my queen nature coming out from me. Frank simply laughs at me, breaking my powers and forcing my face and front to the wall.

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