Chapter 19 - Thought Of Fun

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Celeste's. P.O.V

I get changed, finding something suitable for what a queen would and should be expected to wear as well as it being extremly comfortable and lastly avoiding a corset for the forseable future.

I pick out my outfit and putting it on, combing out my hair before looking at myself in the mirror to see if I look presentable.

Leaving my hair down to flow behind my back, I place on some flat shoes, not wanting to put on another pair of heels as most of my night and day was spent in them

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Leaving my hair down to flow behind my back, I place on some flat shoes, not wanting to put on another pair of heels as most of my night and day was spent in them.

Knowing that Xander said he will come and collect me but something in me wanted to explore the castle now that I seem to be living in it. I leave the luxurious room, poking my head out first around the door and have a peak and a listen out the corridor for anyone coming round. Although I surprise myself, I'm the queen.

I exit into the hall way, closing the wooden door slowly to my room and I start to walk down the hallway. It feels slightly gloomy and the only light are from the candles that are set up on the walls on little stands.

I walk slowly, making sure I gather every nook and cranny of the hall way stone walls. I come to a T walk way, and I look at either side of me deciding whether to go left or right. This moment I really ought to trust my instincts, but my mind wanted to explore. I turn left and notice the amount of photos on the wall.

I gaze at each one while I walk down. I stop in my tracks as I come to a rather gorgeous painting of the whole Rivera and Moreno family. I turn around trying to find a candle to see it better as the hallway is to dark to notice all the hidden features of the painting.

Grabbing the candle from the wall, I bring it more to the painting, not wanting to actually burn the canvas. My eyes gawk at the painting in awe as I see Xander next to his brothers, he has a plain face with no expression, none of the men do. All apart from one, I raise my candle to the Rivera family seeing Darien next to his mother, the lady I saw at the ball and then next to her is his brother, Frank. He smiles widely and that's when I notice the woman that he has his arm wrapped round, like a weird prom photo.

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