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Kieran tilted his head and stared down at me, waiting for me to tell him something he already knew. But I was afraid of what he'd do if I voiced it.

Kieran wasn't going to hurt me, but there was that tinge of fear that I had for him, that I also had with Lucian. Something about the two of them screamed danger, even though inherently I knew they were doing their best to keep me as far away from that as they could.

I cleared my throat. "If you already know...why do I have to say it?"

"I want to see your expression when you admit it," he said. "Whether you'll look proud, embarrassed, or even smug. Now...tell me."

I clenched my jaw. Of course I'd look embarrassed. There was nothing to be embarrassed about, but openly admitting it to someone caused a wave of heat to wash over my body.

For someone who was naturally cold, it was odd how often these men were making me warm.

I ran a hand over my face to try and wipe away the growing nervousness. "I...slept with Lucian."

"Slept with sounds like you took a little nap with him." His lip twitched. "Was it that boring?"

I opened my mouth to spit out some sort of retort, but that was what he was expecting and wanting out of me. So I closed my mouth slowly and glared at him, keeping my thoughts to myself.

It was not boring by any stretch of the imagination, but why did he need to know that?

That lip twitch turned into a full-on grin before he moved closer to me. His hands rested on the couch on either side of my head and he leaned forward, chuckling when I didn't move away.

"I love brats," he admitted.

My eyebrows furrowed. What the absolute hell did that even mean?

"Do you want to know why I love them?" One of his hands came up and wrapped in my hair before he pulled hard enough to jerk my head back. He placed his lips by my ear. "Because their need to be stubborn and disobedient makes someone like me so excited and ready to punish."

I froze.

"If you weren't in pain from training earlier," he paused to run his tongue over the shell of my ear, "I would bend you over my knee and spank you until you begged for me to let you come."

"What makes you think I'd even like that," I asked, proud of myself for not having a tremor in my voice.

Honestly, the thought of someone like Kieran being dominant made my entire body shiver. I never thought of myself as one to enjoy the idea of being dominated, but I found myself wondering how it would be if it was Kieran doing the dominating.

He didn't look the type. What I pictured when I thought of dominance was a dark haired man wearing a suit. But that could be because of the few guilty pleasure books that I read. He wasn't the stereotypical dominant from those books. He was too pretty with his long hair and slim build, even though I knew he had plenty of strength.

"Nova," he cooed, pulling away just enough to meet my eyes, "while a werewolf can smell your arousal, I can hear the speed in which your blood travels through your body. How it pumps through your heart at a quicker rate whenever I mention punishing you. Then those eyes of yours could never lie even if the word no is uttered from your lips."

A rush of air escaped my lungs and then I went back to holding my breath. Apparently I wasn't good at breathing in these circumstances. But who would be, when a man like Kieran was standing over them threatening God knows what to them?

I read books like that for the simple reason anyone does - to experience it without actually experiencing it.

A hand slid down my side until it rested on my hip, where he slipped a finger under the waistband of my shorts. His eyes burned into mine so fiercely that I wondered if I could catch on fire.

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