ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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I hated dresses almost as much as I hated clubs. Specifically the dress I was wearing, and specifically Delirium. I found myself questioning why I ended up helping them, when it wasn't even my fight to begin with. My conscience was a pain in my ass.

Then again, I could blame Lucian for basically forcing me to help to begin with, but that'd be backtracking to a point before I decided I didn't want to help.

"You look angry."

"Do you ever not show up when I'm here," I asked, glaring beside me at Kieran.

His blonde hair was pulled back into a low ponytail that draped over his shoulder. His black shirt hugged his torso, and I tore my gaze away before I could look further.

Naomi really got into my head this time around.

"I was going to leave you be," he said, lying through his teeth. "But like I said, you look angry. Did you get stood up again?"

"No," I said. "I actually wanted to talk to you."

There was no game plan going into this. Lucian said he trusted me, to which I gave him a blank look like he was absolutely insane. I wasn't going to pretend I got stood up by Jason again. That already bruised my ego enough. A second time? No thanks.

He blinked, like he was caught off guard. "Me?"

Son of a bitch why was that reaction cute?

I widened my eyes in mock surprise back at him. I did not have a plan, but I could figure something out as I went.

He tapped his fingers on the bar before motioning for me to follow him. "It's quieter in my office."

I didn't want to be alone with him. The last time I did that, he forced blood down my throat as he sat on top of me just because he thought I was interesting.

I left my water on the bar and followed him. As he walked through the crowd, bodies parted like the Red Sea and he was Moses. Most of them didn't even look at him, they just stepped away like it was all part of a grand performance, then closed in behind us after we went past.

He opened a black door and motioned me inside, to where more music played. But this music was slower and more methodical than the music in the main part of the club. The lights were also dimmed down to a point where I had to squeeze my eyes closed to force them to adjust.

When I opened them again, Kieran watched me like he was waiting for a reaction, even though I wasn't sure what kind of reaction to give.

There were people all over the place in all forms of undress - from fully clothed to completely naked. Mixed in with the noise of the music, there were sounds of moaning and skin moving against skin. There were plenty of...couples...with their heads bent, sucking at each other's skin.

"I feel like this is illegal," is all I could say.

"It's not," he replied. "I have a permit to use this room as a blood sharing and feeding room."

"That," I motioned towards a couple whose words and moans matched with the tempo of the man's thrusts, "is not blood sharing."

When I looked back at Kieran, he was smiling slightly. "Maybe not, but even if someone tattled, ninety nine percent of the police in this area come here almost nightly."

So that meant shut up and let them be. Got it.

I couldn't see the fascination in having sex in front of a bunch of strangers, but to each their own.

I motioned for Kieran to continue walking so I could stop making accidental eye contact with other people's genitals. Even looking straight ahead, there were people. I could walk with my eyes on the ceiling but that'd be a little awkward.

Luckily, his office was a lot closer than I originally thought it'd be. We didn't have to walk all the way through the gigantic room of blood sharing and sex. In the middle of the room to the right was a door leading to stairs.

We walked up, and he opened the door to his office. It was covered in glass, so that he could see both sides of his business without difficulty.

"It's good for surveillance," he said, noticing my raised eyebrows as he closed the door. "I can see out, but they can't see in."

I hummed.

"I assume I know why you're here," he said, moving towards his desk. "Which, I'll answer any questions you have, as long as you answer mine first."

I followed cautiously behind him. If he actually knew why I was there, I was in deep shit. I wondered if it happened to go downhill fast, would Lucian come in and help me?

He didn't go around his desk and sit down. He turned and sat back against the corner, crossing his arms as he waited for me to sit down in front of him.

"Why do you only allow yourself to drink blood when you're on the verge of dying," he asked.

That wasn't the question I thought he was going to ask, so I answered honestly. That I didn't need to, and I hated the taste of it. It was becoming such a normal question for me, that I didn't really think about the meaning behind it.

"What kind of back alley shit are you drinking if you don't like it," he asked, genuine confusion in his tone.

"Human," I said, my eyebrows drawing together to match his confusion.

He blinked. "You've only ever had human blood?"

I nodded. "Only from a bag."

His confusion morphed. He suddenly looked like he was looking at a complete idiot, who just tried to tell him the meaning of life is the creation of hotdogs. The complete silence that met my ears only served to unease me, especially when he continued to stare at me.

"Only from," he paused, "a bag? Do you heat it up at all?"

The hell?

I shook my head.

"Nova," he said my name like he was talking to a child, "are you fucking kidding me?"

"I've had it from a vein once," I acquiesced. "But I hurt her so bad that I'll never do it again."

He rubbed his temples and closed his eyes, like the mere thought of me drinking cold blood from a bag gave him a headache.

"The person that made you should have taught you all of this," he mumbled, as if to himself.

"He literally only spent enough time with my mom to make her pregnant." The topic always irritated me. "I've never met him. I don't even know the dick's name."

He stopped rubbing at his temples and sighed. "That makes sense then. Well, Nova. Good news. I'm going to teach you."

"No thanks," I said. "I'm only here to-"

"If you want your answers," he glared at me, "you'll sit there and listen."

Son of an actual bitch.

Grave Sight | A Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now