ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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When I woke up, I was in my bed, my comforter pulled up to my chest. Light filtered into my room from a crack in my curtains, and I figured it had to be at least noon. No one was in my room, but there was a cup of water on my bedside table, the ice melted into little chips.

I sat up and took a drink. I hadn't even realized we made it home, let alone the fact that someone put me to bed.

I sat in the silence of my room, looking at my window and that sliver of light. It was starting to hit, finally. The fact that I killed someone, and ordered the deaths of many others. I hadn't lied when I said I would kill for those I cared about. I just didn't realize I'd actually have to do it.

The cops must have found the house, seen the damage, and possibly found bodies. I didn't think they'd tie anything back to me. The resulting fire would have removed any and all traces of me ever being there, I was sure. But funnily enough, that wasn't what bothered me.

It had been so easy to kill Vincenzo. I got hurt in the process, of course, but the worst of the pain hadn't even been from him. It has been from Alaric dying.

How had it been so easy? Raising as many people as I did, and keeping that control over them for the five minutes I passed out, and even commanding them to kill. I didn't think twice about it. I didn't think twice about using Vincenzo's power against him, nor Alaric's power to get to Vincenzo's heart.

The female vampire's words came back to me.

You're a monster.

Maybe. I wasn't exactly kind to any of them. I brought dead people into what they believed to be a safe location, and ultimately killed them all out of anger. Vincenzo commanded his people to do as he wished, just as I commanded my zombies to kill all of them off. How was I any better than him?

I did it to save my mom. I went in there knowing full well that if she had been harmed, I'd kill for her. But now that I actually did it...

I was regretting it.

Not saving my mom, of course. But there could have been another way. All of his clan living in that house didn't have to die along with him.

Did they?

I ran my hands over my face and pulled my knees up to my chest. I rested my forehead against my knees and closed my eyes, waiting for the curdling in my stomach to go away. I was remembering the feel of Vincenzo's skin giving way under my hand, and the feel of his heart against my palm. I remembered the feel of his bones breaking by just a mere thought.

You're a monster.

I shivered.

I could mimic more than just fighting moves. I could mimic abilities.


I heaved in a breath, suddenly feeling like I couldn't get enough air.

Suddenly, there were hands on me, pulling me to a warm body. I could tell who it was by his smell alone. Well, that and the fact that he came right when I was spiraling out of control.

"Shh," Kyler hushed me. "It's okay."

I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder, clenching my eyes shut to try and rid myself of the memories.

Kyler wrapped his arms around me, covering me in his warmth as he allowed me to cling to him on my bed. A hand rubbed up and down my back gently, and he rested his chin on the top of my head.

"The regret is normal," he finally said once my shaking had slowed. "You are allowed to feel regretful, or remorseful. But remember why you did it. You saved your mom by doing what you did."

"He didn't even want my mom," I said. "He wanted me."

"Then you saved yourself too." He kissed the top of my head. "If you hadn't gone, your mom would have been killed within the next week by the amount of drugs they were pushing into her. And if you would have allowed Vincenzo to live, he would have captured her again and again until you decided to give in to whatever it was he wanted from you."

I opened my eyes slowly, and wasn't surprised at all by the tears. They streamed down my face and soaked into Kyler's shirt. He didn't comment on them, and for that I was thankful.

I allowed myself to cry. To grieve what I'd done. What I had become in those moments in that house. Because the truth of the matter was, I had become a monster. And the worst part of it was...

I'd do it again. All of it. For my mom. For Lucian, Kyler, or Kieran. For the people they cared about as well, because whoever was important to them, were ultimately important to me too.

"I love you," I whispered when my tears slowed.

"I love you too, Nova." He kissed my head again. "So much."

I raised my head and he gently wiped away the tears still remaining on my cheeks. He looked back and forth between my eyes, a small smile on his face. I grabbed his hand and pressed his palm against the side of my face. Then I lifted my chin and placed my lips against his, kissing him gently as a thanks.

His smile widened when I pulled away, and I hid my face in his neck. When he chuckled, I slapped his chest gently.

"I'm not sure what's cuter," he said. "The look that you gave me before you kissed me, or the fact you're feeling shy about it. We've done so much, Nova, and will do and go through so much more. You have no reason to feel shy."

That was the part of Kyler I liked the most. He was so good with his words, and had this way about him that immediately put me at ease. His presence alone calmed me, but his touch made me feel high.

I hadn't loved Kyler since the beginning. Hell, at the time I was battling my attraction with Kieran and Lucian. I found him beautiful, but I, in no way, believed I'd get attached to him so quickly. But I was happy that I did, and that he accepted me as I was, killer and all.

"If you'd like to take a shower, I'll let Lucian know he can start cooking," he said.

Right. My nose had gotten used to it, but I probably still smelled like dead people and blood.

Real cute.

I pulled away from Kyler and snuck a glance at my hands. They'd been bloody before I fell asleep, but now they were clean.

"Did one of you wash me," I asked as I stood.

Kyler nodded, getting up as well. "Though it was just to get the blood off of you."

My nose scrunched up. "So I still smell like dead people. Grand. I'll need to wash the sheets."

He shook his head, smiling. "Oddly enough, you haven't smelled like dead people this entire time. It's like the smell completely evaded you."

"Don't lie." The smell of death clung to everything. Clothes, skin, hair, fur, weapons...everything.

He shrugged. "I'm not. You've smelled like yourself from the moment we left to the moment we came back."

That was odd.

I pursed my lips, acting like I still didn't believe him, then turned and went to my bathroom. My gaze slid over to the cup with mine, Kieran, and Lucian's toothbrushes, and I noticed there was another added to the mix.

And all I could do was smile.

Grave Sight | A Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now