ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕪 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣

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I recalled telling them to leave me alone or I would castrate them, but through the haze of that sensation only blood could cause, I couldn't even bring myself to go to the door when someone knocked. Eventually the knocking stopped, and my house went quiet long enough for me to overcome the overwhelming urge to jump each and every one of them.

I showered, taking my time to allow the after effects of the blood to completely subside. The hot water against my body burned, turning my skin a light pink, then a dark red as I forced the remaining feelings away.

Could I have called one of them in to help me? Yes, I could have. But that would have been a bit out of line. Also, I didn't want anyone to have a pissing contest. Well, at least not more than they already had.

I wrapped myself up in a robe after I was done and stepped out into my bedroom, keeping an ear open for any of the three men that had been in my home. After some time, I realized I didn't hear anyone or anything.

I peeked out into my living room, then realized I actually might have been home alone.

I grabbed my phone, noting a text from Lucian and Kieran.

Lucian: Kyler and I had to step out. I'll be back in a couple of hours. I hope you got through it okay. Next time, I'll be there for you. As long as you don't threaten to castrate me.

I rolled my eyes.

Kieran: How you put up with that alpha, I'll never understand. He said he'd come back later. If he's not there by nightfall, let me know and I'll come.

At least they hadn't gone at each other's throats. Well, as far as I knew, I guess. Kyler would have stopped it from happening, I was sure. Unless Kieran said something that ticked him off too.

But they all seemed fine, so I was sure there wasn't anything to worry about.

I changed into sweats and a t-shirt and went to go make myself some coffee. I didn't feel any more pain from the earlier fight, nor did I feel the remnants of what the blood did to me. I felt normal, and while it was a good power to have, if I thought too hard into it, I would feel a bit uncomfortable with it. It wasn't normal for someone to heal that quickly, nor was it normal to get horny off of drinking blood.

But, hey...who said I was normal?

When I walked into my bedroom, I froze at the sight of someone standing at my window. I could tell he was dead, but I could also tell he was a new spirit.

He turned and looked back at me, and the shock from seeing him turned into horror.

He was familiar. Way too familiar. I'd never met him, but he looked just like the picture.

"Jason," I asked quietly.

"In the dead," he said, motioning towards his body. "Funny you recognize me. I've never met you before. I would have remembered you if I had."

Oh, no.

"I was helping Lucian try and find you." My voice was barely above a whisper. I wasn't sure if I was afraid he'd disappear if I spoke too loud, or if I was just in so much shock at seeing him that I couldn't bring myself to speak louder.

"Were you?" He tilted his head. "It's surprising he hired a necromancer. Though, I guess at this point it's probably a good thing."

"When did you die?" Maybe it was rude, but I was sure if it had been a while, Lucian would have said something about looking out for his spirit.

Jason eyed my clock. "Probably about two minutes ago."

I pulled out my phone. I didn't have any text messages or calls. My phone was silent and blank. Lucian had to have felt it.

"The alpha is usually incapacitated from losing one of his pack for about ten minutes after it happens," Jason explained. "Depending on the severity of the death and how close he is to the person who died depends on the amount of time he'll be out of commission."

I blew out a breath and sat down on my bed.

"I need you to do something for me." He came around and stared down at me. "I need you to go get my body."

As a necromancer, I could follow through with whatever wishes the deceased wanted, especially if it would make his spirit move on. Sometimes it was as simple as telling me where their body was for someone else to find it. Other times they had me search out someone to tell them their last wishes because they forgot to make a will. I had someone once tell me he wanted me to raise his body so he could tell his wife he loved her one last time with his own mouth, instead of allowing me to do it for him.

"Where's your body?" Since Beverly's was thrown out by some water, maybe his was too.

His lips curled down. "Still in the cellar."

My own lips curled down. "If it's anywhere near the people who kidnapped you, I'd rather not. They know who I am. Beverly said they spoke of me."

His eyebrows drew together. "They've never said anything about you. I doubt Beverly was being honest with you."

So they didn't know who I was?

He noticed my confusion and shrugged. "Trust me. None of them have said anything about anyone I didn't know already. Sorry to say, I had no idea who you were until just now."

He looked like he was being honest, which meant I'd been hiding for absolutely no reason. Beverly didn't like me. She made that clear since the beginning. So why would it have been so far fetched for her to lie and instill some fear in me before her soul moved on?

I sighed.

"You can go to their house," he said. "Just say that you are a necromancer who was hired by me to grab my body. In, out, done."

"There's someone there that looks like me," I said.

He stared at the ground, as if trying to remember all the people he saw. If that one girl could tell who I was within seconds, he should have also figured it out. When he finally shook his head, I could barely believe it.

Were there two different groups of vampires kidnapping and killing vampires and wereanimals?

When I went to text Lucian, he stopped me. "If you bring everyone, they're going to end up killing you and them. They know Lucian. They know my pack. Please. I'll tell you where to go and it'll be done in maybe five minutes."

I nodded and motioned towards the door to my bedroom, following as he led me out of my house and to my car.

I made sure to send Naomi my up to date location, along with Lucian and Kieran's numbers, just in case. I believed I could trust Jason.

Jason continued to walk in front of me so I sent Naomi a quick text.

Me: When I get to where I'm going, if I don't call you in thirty minutes, call Kieran or Lucian and tell them I'm with Jason. I think I can trust him, but I can't be too sure. Not with everything going on.

I slid my phone in my pocket just as Jason turned back to look at me, waiting for me to unlock my car and get in.

He motioned left. "That way."

Grave Sight | A Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now