ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕩

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I glared daggers at Jason, even as he continued to pretend I didn't exist. I wasn't sure how much shit he just put me in, but it couldn't have been good that my father was actually there.

"Relax," Alaric said. "To be honest with you, the only reason I know who you are is because you look like me. However, Vincenzo is a different story."

Vincenzo. Who the absolute hell was Vincenzo and how could this situation get any fucking worse? He sounded like some horrible mafia boss that took pleasure in killing people. And if any of the people who were killed recently was from his doing, I certainly wasn't wrong in that assumption.

Alaric sighed. "Who was your mom? It had to have been one of the three..."

One of the...

I closed my eyes to keep myself from reacting out of anger. While my mom had been sad about being left behind, he obviously didn't give two shits. I should have known, since he never went back to her. But to hear it from his own mouth, and to know there were three women that night.

"Well," he said, and I opened my eyes, "two out of the three were human, and I'm pretty sure I drained them dry. The other was a necromancer. So..."

My jaw hurt from how hard I was clenching my teeth. I didn't show my frustration on my face though. I just eyed him, pretending I was bored.

"But if that's the case," another male's voice piped up, "then she's not only a necromancer...she's part vampire too."

A man walked in with hair as white as snow, skin buttery smooth over overly perfect facial features, and eyes the color of ash. He wore a suit that had to have been tailored specifically for his body. It fit too well to be anything else.

While he looked the same age as my father - twenty five, give or take - this man had an aura much stronger than his. Like he'd lived through many shitty years, only to come out unscathed only physically.

I looked at Jason again.

He was watching me.

I should bring you back to life so they can torture you, I thought bitterly. He couldn't hear my thoughts, but it helped nonetheless.

"I'm going to assume you're Vincenzo." I sighed. "You look like a fucking Vincenzo."

He actually laughed. "Yes, I am. And thank you."

It wasn't a compliment. But if I was making him laugh, maybe I had a better chance of leaving without getting killed.

Jason set me up. That much was clear. Why he did it, I still wasn't sure. I just knew that he knew ahead of time what we'd be walking into, and who I'd come to meet. It wasn't a coincidence. He didn't just want me to come grab his body and leave.

Wereanimals liked to have the bodies of their deceased pack to bury them in their own way. Each pack was different, from what I read, but one thing was the same throughout. They buried something - whether it be a casket filled with the deceased's belongings, or even a small body part that they could find.

Jason disappeared through the floor and I glared at the spot he had been in.

"So," Vincenzo walked towards me, "you're Alaric's daughter. I was wondering what happened to you. He said he felt this odd pull in his chest one day and I knew somehow, somewhere, he created another life."

He was stalking towards me in a way that reminded me way too much of one of those horror video game characters. Like it didn't matter if I turned and ran, he'd keep that pace and somehow still catch me. It was eerie, and I felt a cold chill run down my spine.

"But a half vampire, half necromancer." He smiled. "That's almost unheard of."

I would have taken a step back if the twins weren't behind me. I also would have up and ran if it weren't for the fact that it seemed like they positioned the female and Alaric in just the right spots to stop me if I tried. I was caged in, that much was abundantly clear.

People had three reflexes. I used to think there were only two choices - fight or flight. But unfortunately I found a third.


I swallowed, even though my mouth was too dry to produce saliva. "What makes you think I'm part vampire?"

Good question, Nova. Like a fucking ancient vampire couldn't sense another vampire.

He was still walking towards me. "Apparently you haven't been taught much."

Ten points for the man pointing out the obvious.

"My apologies," he said, stopping only two feet away. I had to crane my neck back to look up at him. He smiled, flashing fangs. "I should have found you the moment he said he felt that pull. Though only half, I would have taught you how to properly use your abilities as a vampire. Unfortunately you went...what? Twenty three years without someone to teach you properly?"

I felt my eyebrow twitch.

"But what I want to know," he reached out and touched my face, "is if you'd retain those necromancy powers if you're turned into a full vampire."

Jason appeared behind him. "I'm sorry, Nova. I'm so sorry. But Selene..."

"Fuck Selene," I hissed at him. "You set me up."

Vincenzo's grin somehow grew wider. He didn't turn to look behind him - probably because he knew he wouldn't be able to see Jason. He just watched me like I was the most interesting thing he'd seen in a while.

"Imagine if those powers amplified." It didn't seem like he was talking to me anymore. It was more like he was talking to himself. "You'd be the most powerful necromancer this world has ever or will see. And you'd be mine."

I looked at who was supposed to be my father and realized he felt absolutely no fatherly instincts towards me. He just eyed me, like he was waiting for my reaction to his master's statement.

"Fun fact," I finally said, "I do not, nor will I ever, belong to any vampire walking this Earth."

His smile fell slightly. Maybe he wasn't expecting me to completely deny him. There were people who would kill to be a vampire. They'd give up their life for the chance to live forever.

But what was the point when you'd most likely always be controlled by a master? Vampires didn't just get the title of master. They earned it. And once they earned it, it was hard to lose it.

"Oh, you sweet soul," the female cooed. "Like you have a choice."

Grave Sight | A Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now